Interview for Poca

Love when the ladies I am reviewing are thrilled to do the interview parts!!! Here is one for the lovely Poca!!!

Poca 1

Basic information.

Can you please tell the people reading this your name?

I write under the name Poca, but you can call me Rose.

Where do you like to post, and can you give us the site of your preferred medium?

I like to post on and tumblr, hopefully I can branch out soon!

What do you prefer, Tea or Coffee?

I’m not a big drinker of either.

What is your favorite beverage of choice?  And if alcoholic and mixed, what are the ingredients?

Not a big alcohol drinker, but my favorite drink would have to be… pomegranate juice?

What is your funny story about trying something to drink and it rocked your boat and/or sucked?

It’s not a funny story, but my best friend let me try her bailey and I ended up having two glasses of it and laughing and snorting like a damn fool. I’m a light-weight.

What foods do you love?

Pastas, baked goodies, pizzas and some nice fricase de pollo. Those are my weaknesses.

What is your go to food for comfort?

Oh, that’s easy. I love making cookies and brownies when I want comfort foods, I just make and drown myself in them.

What do you like to snack when writing?

Peanut butter and Nutella sandwiches.

Is there a scent that says home to you?

That would have to be my mom’s and grandma’s favorite perfume, White Diamonds.

Is there a scent you wish you never smelled ever?

Wet garbage, sadly. Thinking about it is already making me want to throw up.

If you could visit a place, anywhere, where would it be?

I would love to visit Puerto Rico. Family came from there and I would love to see it.

If you could go at any point in time, which would it be?

Either to see all the dinosaurs or ancient roman/Greek times. My love for dinosaurs runs deep, as does my love for ancient roman/Greek times.

What music do you like?

I don’t have a specific type of music I like. It’s just a jumble of different types and it keeps it fresh.

Is there a genre or song you hate?

House music? I guess. I don’t hate it, it’s just I don’t like very loud and deep bass music so I tend to avoid it.

Tell us something about yourself that you think your fans would love to know about:

I am a boring person, if you hadn’t guessed by my answers, but it’s the boring type of stuff I like to do. Staying in bed with my laptop or tablet, reading until it runs out of battery and I have to panic, watching let’s plays, hanging out at my friend’s house and doing the same stuff I do at my own house and baking!

Thanks. That gives us some basic information. Now, about the writing –   I know you’re excited…

Why did you start writing?

I’ve always liked writing little plots and stuff for comics I use to draw when I was little, but that grew into writing online!

What do you enjoy the most about it?

I enjoy putting my ideas out there and people enjoying them to the point they ask for more.

What do you like least about it?

When I have a roadblock. I can’t find the words or the energy to write and pushing myself makes me feel like the writing is not up to par if I do that.

That first time hitting publish, how did you feel?

Nervous. Completely nervous. I was, what… 15? 16? And I was scared that people were going to react negatively.

 Where do you get your inspiration?

Listening to music. For some reason certain songs will put a thought into my mind and I just say ‘Oh! That might be a good idea!’

What is your writing area like do you use computer or paper, or both?  Or another medium?

I have tons of notebooks and documents on my laptop filled with little things for my stories.

Do you use an outline, rough draft or just write?

Most of the time, I just write and write, but after I get a random idea when listening to music I will go back and fix some stuff around.

What do you do while you’re writing (listen to music, TV in the background, etc.)?

I need sound as I do anything. Anything. Most of the time it’s either music or the sound of my favorite let’s players. I rarely watch TV, but I will keep it on so I don’t freak out over the silence.

What annoys you the most when you are trying to write?

Not having the energy to write. I beat myself up over it all the time.

If you have finished a fic, what was your feeling on it?

I haven’t finished a fic yet, but I’m almost done with my oldest one.

What are your favorite fandoms to write?

I don’t have a favorite, but I’ve written True Blood, Walking Dead and Wolf Among Us/Fables. Those are the ones that have come out. I have many more fandoms that I have written a couple chapters for but not released.

Who are your favorite characters to write?

Other than my OC’s, hm… in my True Blood story I would have to say Pam. Walking Dead, Daryl, no doubt. WAU would be Bigby.


They’re all fun to write and have grumpy attitudes most of the time.

Who are your least favorite characters to write?

Um… father figures? I guess?


Gonna get personal here, but I don’t have a good view with father figures so that shows in my writing, sadly.

What is your favorite scene or story you have written and why?

Right now, I love writing my Wolf Among Us story more. I loved the comics and the game so to write in the fandom is fun.

What is the most difficult story or scene you have written, and why?

The first chapter is always the hardest because I want to write something that will capture the person, not make them just go and look for a better one.

Do you see any characteristics in the characters you write?

Oh yeah. Big time. I add little bits of myself into the characters I write all the time.

Which ones and whom?

Miri, from my walking dead story, has my reaction to oranges. Charlotte, from the True Blood story, has my hard-headedness and Red, from my Wolf Among Us story, has my attitude.

What do you like most about your preferred fandom?

I don’t really have a preferred fandom.

How would you describe your fics?

Drama, smut, angst, romance and some violence. I guess.

What story would you recommend of your own for a new fan to start first?

Depends, what type of story are they looking for exactly? What Are You?, my True Blood story, is cheesy vampire romance with some detailed smut. New World In My View, my Walking Dead story is nearly the same but with walkers. Cursed is taking the old red riding hood folktale and giving it a little spin.

Now the HARD questions:

If you could offer a suggestion to someone who is thinking of publishing their first story, what would it be?

Don’t be so nervous. Go over your story, make sure it makes sense to you so it would make sense to the readers, go over it again to lessen those feelings of doubt. Also, take criticism with open arms, sometimes it helps.

If you could go back in time, and give yourself one word of advice, what would you say?  (No Lottery numbers or anything like that!!!)

Oh, that’s easy. Since I was in a mentally and emotionally abusive relationship in the past, I would tell myself to run earlier so I wouldn’t have dealt with all that pain.

What 5 stories would you recommend someone read?  Please list fandom, sites and name with pairing.

Uh, I can only think of the stories I’m reading right now and waiting for.

Part of Your World by Cometeclipse, Dragon Age, Cullen, Inquisitor, Lavellan,

Degenerate Beauty Queens by CurbItKirby, Teen Wolf, Erica R., OC,

What Lies Behind The Throne by bluster-squall, Dragon Age, Alistair, Cousland, Anora, Cailan T.,

We’ve Met Before by PrincessTverski, Dragon Age, Cullen, Trevelyan,

Roots and Anchors by kawherp, Captain America, Steve R./Capt. America, OC,

Character Interview

Pic for Charlotte

Name of Character:  Charlotte

Story (s)he is in: What Are You?

Is (s)he an original Character or a series known? She is an original character.

Are they in character or Out of Character? She is in character.

Nickname(s): Little Dove, kiddo, min älskling (From what I can remember)

Date of Birth: Not listed

Occupation: Waitress

Stats (Aka Height, hair color, eye color, and so on): Black brown hair, green eyes.

Significant other(s): Eric

Best Friend(s): Eric, Bill, Sookie, Alex, Pam, Jessica.

Enemies(s): So far, Russell and the authority.

Any noticeable Scars, Tattoos, or other markings: Has barely visible scars from car accident, wings tattooed into her back.

If they could have a Theme Song, which would it be? They don’t have a theme song. Never thought of one.

What is their favorite Movie? The King and I, she loves musicals.

What is something that the fans don’t know about your character? I can’t tell, spoilers!

I so love reading these interviews!!!   You learn such interesting things about the authors!!!!

Monday we have another fic already written up for a review!  See you then!

Thanks for reading!

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