Category Archives: Crossover

Review for All of Me by bellapaige88


So I spent this past week not feeling well.  And ended up watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.  And got hooked into SkyeWard….

 Name of Story: All of Me

Fandom: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. + Captain America Crossover

Author: bellapaige88


Rating (If Applicable): M

Pairing: G. Ward/Skye P. Coulson/M. May

Status: Complete

Description (Authors): 

This story is about Skye discovering who she really is and where she came from. What her 0-8-4 status really means. The whole team will be a part of this fic with their own little moments. Skyeward, FitzSimmons, Philinda and Clintasha moments. … enjoy 🙂 Later chapters involve CapHill and Pepperony’ And other Avengers.


So if you watch AoS, you may know why I went looking for SkyeWard fics.  And if you haven’t watched past season 1, you may want to skip this one…

For this is SPOILERS for the show!

Continue reading Review for All of Me by bellapaige88

Interview with BiteMyTongue



Hey, so If you’re reading this then you must have agreed to be interviewed 🙂 So thank you for taking your time to fill this out for everyone! Usually it’s BertieBott who does the crossover sections but well, I couldn’t resist!

So we are going to start out with some basic information for all of you.

Can you please tell the people reading this your name?

My name is Adriana, though I really hate going by this which is why I go by Ade most times. My Author name is BiteMyTongue

Where do you like to post, and can you give us the site of your preferred medium?

I post to my site:


What do you like to snack when writing?

Candy… A lot of candy. Not the sweet kind though, usually the spicy mango lollipops. I have this strange need to have one whenever I’m writing… that’s not weird is it? Continue reading Interview with BiteMyTongue


Non-Canon Awards; The Fandom Crossover Contest

Title:  Four Years

Rating: M

Genre: Romance/Suspense

Word Count: 3788

Beta: Hannah_perry85
Fandoms: Twilight/Supernatural
Pairing: Bella/Dean

Summary: I haven’t seen Trouble in four years, since the day she walked out of my apartment in Phoenix. Four years where I did everything I could not to think about her during the day and dreamed about her every night. It’s been four years… And now she’s back.

Contest Entry Two: Endless Possibilities

Non-Canon Awards; The Fandom Crossover Contest
Title: Endless Possibilities
Rating: M
Genre: Romance
Word Count: 3204
Fandoms: Twilight, The Mortal Instruments
Pairing: Edward Cullen, Alec Lightwood
Summary: (255 Character Limit) When Edward left Seattle as a teenager, he never imagined that his sister’s wedding would bring him back, or that he could find someone who would make him want to stay. “After that? Anything can happen.”

Contest Entry One: Take my Hand

Non-Canon Awards; the Fandom Crossover Contest
Title: Take my Hand
Rating: M
Genre: Romance
Word Count: 11,901
Fandoms: Twilight/Roswell
Pairing: Bella/Michael
Summary: The petite brunette with the soulful brown eyes showed up a few weeks ago. She comes in every day; writing, reading or people watching. Who is she and why can’t I keep my eyes off of her?

The Fandom Crossover Contest

heading 1


Love crossovers? Love writing them or just need to find a push to enter into the crossover world? Well look no more! Now you will be able to write one!

All Entries will be posted on the Non-Canon’s Fanfiction Page:








– All submissions must be ANONYMOUS. Please do not post or continue your story anywhere until after the winners have been announced.

– You may promote the contest and say that you entered, but if you in any way reveal which story is yours you will be immediately disqualified. Also please do not reply to the reviews of your story until winners are announced!

– All entries must not be from an already existing Fanfiction Story, you may continue after the contest is over. Continue reading The Fandom Crossover Contest

Crossover Interview: Dr Harleen Frances Quinzel (Harley)

For my second interview for the crossover genre, I had the great pleasure of talking with Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel (affectionately dubbed Harley by many of her readers). I confess to stalking every single one of her stories as she’s one of the rare breeds to cross Twilight with various comic book fandoms.

So please, let me introduce you all to the one and only Harley!

Hi there, nice to meet you: Basic Information



Can you please tell the people reading this your name?

Lisa Lynn, author name Dr Harleen Frances Quinzel

Where do you like to post, and can you give us the site of your preferred medium?


What do you prefer, Tea or Coffee?


What is your favorite beverage of choice? And if alcoholic and mixed, what are the ingredients?

Dr Pepper or Corona Extra sometimes Bud Light. A beer girl not much fruity drinks – they’re rare for me.

What is your funny story about trying something to drink and it rocked your boat and/or sucked?

The time my best girlfriend and I made what we called Don Henley’s. We were only 12 lol nonalcoholic btw okay… But it was watermelon Kool-Aid, 7 up, and lime sherbet. That stuff rocked and we drank it until we got stomach aches. Only now we’re older and put vodka in it, lol.

What foods do you love?

Anything on the grill (barbeque). I love baked goods such as brownies and such. Fresh fruits and veggies. Hate onions lol.

What is your go to food for comfort?

I like fresh strawberries and bananas. I know it’s weird, but I slice them up and snack on them like they were candy. Guilty pleasure.

What do you like to snack when writing?

No, nothing really. I usually have me a Dr. Pepper or coffee and I’m good to go.

Is there a scent that says home to you?

Rain… I love the smell of rain. Nothing like it…

Is there a scent you wish you never smelled ever?

Lol, hmmm… I’m a CNA so fecal matter perhaps.

If you could visit a place, anywhere, where would it be?

I’d love to visit Ireland. I come from Irish/Scottish bloodline. If I had to choose between the two places it’d be Ireland I suppose, but would love to visit both sometime.

If you could go to any point in time, which would it be?

Ugh, that’s a tough one. Maybe middle school? So I could redo some terrible choices I made and grow a pair, lol. Let’s just say I can relate to Peter Parker in a lot of ways which is why I’m so partial to him. He’s not my favorite, but we got a lot in common. We should have been drinking buddies.

What music do you like?

Rock, Metal, Alternative, Classic Rock, little country… very little rap.

Is there a genre or song you hate?

Can’t stand Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Boy Bands like One Direction

Tell us something about yourself that you think your fans would love to know about:

Haha right? Hmmm… Let’s just say I was a lot like Bella Swan in the book, but grew up more like Peter Parker. I got jumped a few times and was always finding myself in trouble. Trouble I never searched for, believe it or not. It always found me. Only once I got out of high school and went to college I finally grew a pair. My stories are rather based off how I wish Bella would have done things or would have grown when Edward left. That and when Jacob pulled his crap. I love the books, don’t get me wrong. I just wish certain things would have been done differently. I really, really, really wish Bella would have let both boys have it! She should have stuck to her guns and told them how she really felt and how pissed off she was. That’s why I write Bella Swan the way I do. We share similar things, even a birthday September 13. Only I drew the line on being so soft on Eddie boy and Jake the sun, lol. Let’s just say I was always partial to Jasper Whitlock.

So what about the Good Stuff: The Writing


Why did you start writing?

Irony have it, I had to write my first actual story in high school. I loved my English teacher Mr. Miller. He was awesome and always encouraged me. Even said I had a knack for writing. Only, of course, my stories weren’t so (cough) graphic considering it was high school. From there I found it to be a challenge and an escape. If I was having a bad day I’d come home from school or work and write. At first I started with something simple such as lyrics and poems. Then I worked my way up. I’m far from a great writer. I don’t have great grammar, punctuation, or spelling. This I know, but I do it out of the love for it, not to be a perfectionist.

What do you enjoy the most about it?

When it takes me somewhere else… I can escape this world for a bit and go to another.

What do you like least about it?

Freaking out about what my viewers will think. If I screwed up anywhere or if I made a decision I can’t take back and people hate it, which tends to happen. That’s just life. But I still find myself stressing about it at times. I’ll be like, well hell should I have made that decision with this character or not…? Will my fans hate it?

That first time hitting publish, how did you feel?

Mixed emotions such as excitement and hoping I did a good job.

Where do you get your inspiration?

My best friend and husband – he knows who he is. I turn to him often for support and he’s often enough my muse. I know if I’m in a rut I can turn to him.

What is your writing area like do you use computer or paper, or both? Or another medium?

My laptop. I sit in a recliner and type away.

Do you use an outline, rough draft or just write?

Just write.

What do you do while you’re writing (listen to music, TV in the background, etc.)?

Music always…

What annoys you the most when you are trying to write?

Being interrupted constantly, lol. By the phone, TV, people around me being so loud I can’t even think.

If you have finished a fic, what was your feeling on it?

Yay! I got one done! Crap, I pray I ended that one right so my readers don’t crucify me. Then again I write for myself and my own enjoyment just as much and I do my best to remind myself that always…

What are your favorite fandoms to write?

Comic books/movies/TV series

Who are your favorite characters to write

Bella Swan, Deadpool, Wolverine, The Avengers


Bella because I can relate to her (some), Deadpool cause he’s bad ass and makes me laugh. The Wolverine, because he’s a very honorable character. Logan is one of those that I can never get enough of writing about. He’s easily one of my favorite comic book characters of all time. That man has been through literal hell, but he still follows his own path and beliefs. He doesn’t ever let anyone tell him differently. That and well ,come on he’s HOT, lol. The Avengers? What girl doesn’t want to be locked in a room with them? Not just the sex appeal and the fact that they all are awesome, but they make you laugh. Any man that can make a woman laugh and kick ass is golden in my eyes. That’s why I usually mix humor with my stories. I like to laugh.

Who are your least favorite characters to write?

Lana Lang – I hated how she treated Clark Kent! Mary Jane – I can’t stand what a drama queen she is and always thought Peter Parker could do way better. I’d rather have seen him end up with Gwen Stacy and I don’t care for her all that much either. Too bad him and Kitty Pryde never hooked up, lol. Cyclops (boy scout Scott) let’s face it he cheated on Jean Grey and well, dammit, I wanted to see Wolverine finally get his girl! Never happened! Edward Cullen ugh… not going there.


Got ahead of you and answered up top.

What is your favorite scene or story you have written and why?

Taking The Plunge when Logan was training Bella. I loved how the characters (mainly Bella) grew and so did their bond.

What is the most difficult story or scene you have written, and why?

Fire and Brimstone, when Azazel took Bella for his own, I found it very hard to write. It tugged at my emotions as I felt horrible for Nightcrawler and Ember. I really get into my writing and at times I have to remind myself: hey, you’re the one writing this! Then with Deadpool I get the voices in my head, lol.

Do you see any characteristics in the characters you write?

How I write Bella in my stories is usually how I’d like to perceive myself. Though I do see myself in Peter Parker as well.

Which ones and whom?

Answered up top, lol.

What do you like most about your preferred fandom?

The variety. There’s so much to work with and sky’s the limit on where I want to take it.

How would you describe your fics?

Eh…. Ummm… Unique? Is that the word? I put a little bit of everything in my stories.

What story would you recommend of your own for a new fan to start first?

Taking The Plunge (interviewer note: that story is a sequel to her one-shot Sex, Lies, and Wolverine, so I’d consider starting there first!)

Now that we’ve broken you in: The Nitty Gritty


If you could offer a suggestion to someone who is thinking of publishing their first story, what would it be?

Write with your heart. Free your mind do whatever it takes to find your muse and just let it come naturally. If you dig deep enough your mind will wander off to another world and just take it from there. All kinds of fun is sure to rise!

If you could go back in time, and give yourself one word of advice, what would you say? (No Lottery numbers or anything like that!!!)

Try not to worry so much about what others think. Live for yourself, because life can be short and even if it’s not – you only live once.

Tell us what you read!


I tend to write more than I read. But I have read a few fics, though not many. This one guy (I hope I get his profile name right) BetterInTexas- Destiny, Whether You Like It Or Not (Bella/Garrett). Thirsty For Your Love (Bella/Damon)- Bertie Bott, Mk One- From The Shadows (Harry P/0C), Jinx Dodson – Getting Forked Up In Washington (Dean/Bella). also has some good ones… I owe each of these writers reviews – this was before I even had an account and didn’t know what the hell I was doing. It took me forever just to learn how to open an account and post. Sorry guys!

Is there something you wished I asked, and if so, what as well as the answer.

I think you did great!

Let’s Get Metaphysical: Character Interview

Kristen-Stewart-Pictures-114Name of Character:

My name is Bella Swan.

Story she/he is in:

Most of Dr. HarleenFrancesQuinzel’s stories.

Is (s)he an original Character or a series known?

Twilight Saga, I’m definitely known!

Are they in character or Out of Character?

A little of both depending on the story. Think of me as growing and becoming my own when Dr. HarleenFrancesQuinzel writes her version of me, which I honestly should have after Edward left me.


Swan, Sweatpea, Pumpkinbutt, Babycakes, Bella Darlin’, Sweetheart, Static, Bombshell, Bells, Bell, Ember

Date of Birth:



Merc, CEO, Waitress, SHIELD, Avengers, Police Officer, and one of many masks.

Stats (Aka Height, hair color, eye color, and so on):

I’m usually 5 “ 6, brunette, hazel brown eyes, fair skinned, usually more toned (healthier looking) etc… depending on the story.

Significant other(s):

lol eh… crap takes in a deep breath… Clark Kent, Peter Parker, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Steve Rogers, Thor, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, Joker and DEADPOOL! (Breathing now)

Best Friend(s):

Jake Black, Mike Newton, Rogue, Kitty, Jane Foster, Angela Webber, Clint Barton, Wolverine, Thor, Natasha Romanoff, Pepper Potts.


Edward, Edward, Edward… Coughs … Eh… Death, Domino, Jake Black, Carnage, Kraven, Lex Luthor, Lana Lang (at times it’s a complex relationship), Clark on red K lol (eh.. sort of), Azazel , The Volturi, My own mother at times, Red Hulk, Jason Teague, Black Mask, Sabretooth, Joker… ok this could be a very long list you’d just have to read to find out.

Any noticeable Scars, Tattoos, or other markings:

Deadpool tattoo, Nightwing tattoo, I’ve been shot, stabbed, and beat up a few times so yeah I might have some scars. One time I was all muscled and green it was awesome. In that story I got to be with Captain America so it was all good!

If they could have a Theme Song, which would it be?

HAHA! Hmmm… Ed Sheeran Give Me Love. Hey it’s a good song and the video is awesome.

What is their favorite Movie?

Anything, but New Moon?! Ok, ok bad pun hmmm. Don’t tell anyone… but I kind of like the Hangover Movies. Shh… if I had to pick one though I’m a closet Dirty Dancing fan. “Nobody puts baby in the corner.”

What is something that the fans don’t know about your character?

Wade Wilson was the best lover I ever had. Is he gone…? (It was really James “Logan” Howlett shh…) I had to fight to even get this interview. Deadpool almost won the author over. The damn merc is always getting his way! Not this time!

Well folks, as you can see Harley’s stories are unique and action packed. Go ahead and check her out – tell her Bertie sent you! – and stay tuned for a couple story reviews as she’ll be my featured author this week… Until next time!
