Review for A Beacon in the Dark by katfergie


OK I said I don’t do FFN reviews often, and here I am doing another the following week.

But she updated!!! And it is one of my favorite stories that I read on there!

A Beacon in the Dark

 Name of Story: A Beacon in the Dark

Fandom: TB

Author: katfergie


Rating (If Applicable): M

Pairing: Eric/Sookie/Godric

Description (Authors): 

Sookie meets Godric under different circumstances when she is first introduced to the supernatural world. Can they find hope for the future in each other or will Godric be lost to the darkness? Not pro Bill. M for Lemons. G/S/E


I started reading this story as she posted, and then she stopped.  I eagerly reread each chapter during that time, and then she updated.

Unfortunately, she didn’t update again until 7/26/15.  But the fun thing with her?  She doesn’t leave you on cliffhangers, and if the story was never updated again, you are not left wondering what the heck is going on.

She writes an engrossing story and only 10 Chapters she is at 141,874 words.  You just want to read to know what else is going to happen!  And she NEVER fails to deliver!

Additionally, this is her first fic.  Amazing!!!!

This story is in Godric’s POV.  You know it all from his POV, but with things that happen in the fic, you gain the understanding of others. You are finding where the timeline parts with Canon almost immediately as Godric tells you he decides to retire and live with Eric, not liking the other choice of ending his life.

Sookie walks in with Bill and Godric is enthralled from the beginning.  When Bill grabs her hard enough to hurt her, it marks the beginning of the end for Bill.

Except from Chapter 1: (It is short since I had to type the whole thing!)

At hearing this, my child gave a hearty guffaw and pointed out to the crowd standing at a distance from us now.  The fear clearly evident on all their faces was overshadowed by the lust radiating from the eyes of each human milling around us male and female alife.  With a shake of my head at the depravity I saw in the faces of these beings I turned away and saw the most radiant creature I have ever had the pleasure of resting my eyes upon enter the bar.

She was immediately followed by a loathsome vampire, one William Compton, who had only this week relocated to my child’s territory.  She was facing away from me heading towards the bar with Compton clutching her elbow.  She looked stunning with her petite curvaceous form wrapped in a figure hugging red flowered white sundress that displayed the tops of her full luscious breasts and skimmed down her trim waist only to flare out at her full hip and float to stop just above the knees of her shapely legs.  Her tanned skin glowed with life and vitality. Her blonde hair was trailing down her back like waves of corn silk.  Her petite feet encased in red patent heels were raising her short stature to just inches below mine.  How I wished she would turn and face me.

I do warn you, there be tons of lemons in this story.  Like you will be allergic from so many if that were possible.  Instead, you are enjoying this treat.  Nothing is the same, and her way of describing events makes it unique and captures your attention.

I will tell you she deals with issues quickly, and decisively.  I am amazed with how much she has done in so little chapters, but at the same time, the word count makes this more than possible.  And the situations are resolved often in that chapter.

I spent the entire day rereading this, and remembering why I loved it so much, that I had immediately upon completion came over here to review it!!!


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