Category Archives: cloemarrie

TVD Interview with SuckerforDelena

damon elena

1) For the record and the fans, what’s your name?

My name is Twisha.

2) How long have you been writing?

I just started writing in February 2014.

3) What inspires you to write?

Well, this may be first, but a writer I met here on FanFiction pushed me to write. I read and reviewed her stories, and we became fast friends. She told me I have that passion. If I decided to write I would do really good. I didn’t believed her at first. I was absolutely reluctant to write but she told me to have faith. I did, and here we are. She was the reason I wrote my first fiction. Then I gained some confidence and continued writing.

4) I know some writers don’t really care if they receive reviews as long as they have readers, but how do you feel when you get a review?

I am not one of them. I just love reviews and CRAVE them. If anyone of my chapter gets less reviews, I start freaking out and thinking that I did a bad job writing the chapter and that’s why less people are reviewing it. I get discouraged but don’t stop writing (I may take longer than usual to update) as I don’t think that’s fair to the ones that are spending their time and reading. I have also came to know that reviews are an important part but they aren’t the only part. My favorite writer here, ridingdamon, have written a whole lot of stories and many of them haven’t received more than 1 review. So I don’t let them stop me from writing.

5) Most writers have something playing in the background when they write, what is the one thing that you have playing while you write?

I don’t play anything while I write. When I write I need silence and space. I usually write only when I am alone. Though there is one thing that I need when I write. That is net. I can not write without it. If you ask me to write a FanFiction where there is only Damon I can write it as I have literally memorised his character and dialogue. But if there is someone else involved, like Elena or Stefan or anyone, I have to read about then, get the feel and all that you know. I do research on them and then only am able to write.

6) What pairings do you enjoy writing and why?

I like writing DELENA. I mainly love them as I LOVE DAMON MORE THAN HELL. I could do anything for him. I have like thousands pictures of him and files of all his dialogues from season 1 to season 5, even if it is just a ‘yeah’. I can tell you anything about him. I follow him as Ian and Damon both. I know everything about him (You can try me). I am also thinking on writing a Ethan and Emma fic. It won’t be a Vampire Diaries fiction. (Obviously)

7) What pairings do you absolutely REFUSE to write and why?

I refuse to write Stelena. I just love Damon so much and I also believe that Elena doesn’t really loved Stefan, night have in starting season, but not after that. You might be imagining why is that. It’s cause I always believe if you love two person you don’t truly love the person you fell for first. If she was really in love with Stefan she wouldn’t have fallen for Damon.

8) Canon or Non Canon?

I haven’t ever written a canon. And also like non-canon.

TVD Interview with Jessica Chartier

TVD: Delena

Okay lets do this!

First question what’s your penname?

My full penname is: camaros-and-dopplegangers but on fictionpad and a couple other places with character limits its just camaroganger

How long have you been writing?

I’ve been dabbling in fanfiction for over 7 years in general; but in Vampire Diaries it’s been about 3 years

What inspired you to start writing in the Vampire Diaries Fandom?

I wasn’t very happy with where the show was going. I think that’s why a lot of people start writing fanfiction. I had a lot of “what if” ideas in my head

Which pairing do you write?

I mainly write Damon/Elena, but I do have a Tyler/Elena story I’m working on

Tyler/Elena? Now that’s an interesting pairing! I don’t think I’ve read, let alone seen, any of that pairing!

There are a few of them out there, you just have to look really hard…and of course, they aren’t nearly as popular as Delena or Stelena are

I’ve got my work cut out for me then! I want to read some Tylena! And yeah that’s true but there should be more of the other pairings

Who’s your favorite to write?

There should be more pairings. To me, that’s the whole point of writing fanfic. Writing the stuff that will NEVER be on TV, or was in the books. My favorite to write has to be Tyler/Elena simply because there is so little of it out there. I can be as creative as I want. With Damon/Elena there are set “standards” that I feel everyone agrees on for stories that at some point nothing is 100% original anymore

Exactly! That is what fanfic is all about. That’s what I write what they call Non Canon, OOC, and all that good jazz. I don’t write many in character stories or canon pairings

I do a lot of OOC, even if I’m writing canon pairings. I have to have originality in what I write. I like to bring it back to my Twilight writing days, BEFORE the movies. We were never really told what Peter and Char looked like, but for some reason, everyone decided to go with the same couple of basic descriptions for them. That’s not “fan-fiction” to me.

I agree!

I know some writers don’t care if they get a review as long as they have readers. But how does it make you feel to have someone, a stranger, leave you a review on something you worked hard on?

I love it! I had hit a place with my Tyler/Elena story where I was getting NO feedback at all, and it was rough. Someone from twitter who doesn’t even watch the show took time out of her day, and read AND reviewed every chapter for me. It made me happy. I don’t care about the reviews, that’s like a professional writer only caring about the money. I have a story to tell, and as long as it’s getting told that’s what’s important. The reviews are just the “bonus Jonas”

Great answer and truer than most people realize!

When I was younger I went by the whole “10 reviews before I update” thing, and I just wasn’t happy with myself. I became addicted to the reviews

Some writers have background noise (i.e. music, tv, etc) do you have background noise? If so what?

I have music. I live and breathe for music. I have different playlists for every story or possible story that I’m writing

Sounds like me lol That’s exactly what I do on spotify…have them all labeled.

Yeah. and each playlist fits the mood for the story. So, my Tyler/Elena playlist is all country music because it takes place down south. The Damon/Elena playlist is an angst-fest because that’s what that story is right now

What Vampire Diaries pairing do you absolutely RUFUSE to write and why?

I will NOT write anyone with Bonnie, because I don’t like her. I think she is selfish and in general an awful friend. I’ve thought this since S1, and even though she has had redeeming moments, the damage has been done in my eyes. Also, everyone pairs her with Damon, and that’s really weird.

Bonnie was awful I’ll give ya that one. I have read some Bonnie/Damon and even though they were well written it’s still weird.

I mean, I get it that this last season her and Damon were stuck together, but…they HATE each other.

Canon or Non Canon?

I feel like I always lean more towards Non Canon, I’m very picky with Canon stuff

Tell us about you and your writing other than what you’ve mentioned…this is where you have the floor!

Like I said, I started writing twilight fanfiction, like i feel most people have, and it really helped me grow my writing style and helped me figure out what I do and don’t like. For example, I don’t do well writing in first person; so I basically ONLY write 3rd person (unless it’s a flashback and then that’s first person). That also helped me learn my writing process. I can’t use an outline. I either stray off of it so far my story has NOTHING to do with what it originally should have, or I try to stick to it so rigidly that my story lacks depth and originality. I like to write as organically as possible, but I’m a perfectionist and cant go more than a couple of paragraphs without proofreading and editing.

Oh wow!!!! Time always tends to teach us things. Especially us writers!

So glad you agreed to this interview! Thank you for taking part and answering my annoyingly questions! You ROCK! Look forward to reading your work!

Thank you so much for reaching out to interview me! This was my first time and I was honored.

Contest Review for A Beauty for a Beast

a beauty for a beast

First Congrats on the Judges choice! 

Title: A Beauty for a Beast
By: TwiAddictAnne
Fandom: Book Verse TVD
Pairing: Elena/Damon
Summary: A curse turned him into a beast and he was looking for a Beauty who could help him break the spell. What he found was so much more. 


A Beauty for a Beast is very captivating but a tissue warning is in place!

If you’ve enjoyed Beauty and the Beast as a child you’ll definitely love this story! It’s a Vampire Diaries story with a very interesting and well played out twist!

As Damon reveals his secret she has one of her own…


I couldn’t stop once I’ve started reading. Poor John has to give up his youngest child to a beast of a man just for a wrong turn he took. Damon is a vicious man at the beginning and comes off as an asshole but as you get more into the story and of his past you’ll see why he’s the way he is! Witches, vampires, what else is to come???

Naive Elena jumps to the opportunity to help her dad and braves the mansion…but what she finds, her experiences, and what comes of it will shock you!


This story will keep you wanting more at the same time wanting you to reach in and hold Damon!

I highly recommend this story!!!

TVD Interview with Akhkharu Kashshaptu

Welcome Vamps, Witches, Wares and Doppelgänger! Please give a warm welcome to Akhkharu Kashshaptu to the Non Canon Awards! 


1) For the record and the fans, what’s your name?

My real name is Sarah Munro.

Penname: Akhkharu Kashshaptu

2) How long have you been writing?

7 years…since I was in the 7th grade

3) What inspires you to write?

What inspires me is my unending imagination that just demands to have a more physical form, rather than just be left as thoughts and ideas flowing around in my head. I also get a lot of inspiration from random things – music, certain scenes from movies, dreams, and sometimes even from the strange feeling I might get walking down a street – and I just HAVE to write something from them.

4) I know some writers don’t really care if they receive reviews as long as they have readers, but how do you feel when you get a review?

I feel over the moon with joy! It makes me giddy enough to know people are even reading my story, but when I get to know their thoughts and feelings towards my writing, a feeling of elation overwhelms me and I tend to grin like a madman to myself.

5) Most writers have something playing in the background when they write, what is the one thing that you have playing while you write?

I usually have two types of music playing. 1) 90s club music for most scenes as it motivates me to physically type (and furiously too), but also for scenes heavy with danger or action, as it helps set the intensity, fast pace, and action. 2) Bands/singers like One Republic and Lana del Rey help me write out slower, more emotional scenes or chapters. I like my music to reflect the mood of my story as I write.

6) What pairings do you enjoy writing and why?

I absolutely adore pairings with Elijah, Klaus and/or Kol with an OC. I don’t think I’ll ever write them paired with another character from the show as the focus of the story, as I enjoy being able to play around with creating an OC far too much!

7) What pairings do you absolutely REFUSE to write and why?

I refuse to write more common pairings like Klaroline (though I love that ship), Delena, Stelena, Konnie/Kennett, Kalijah, Halijah and so on. I have nothing against most of those ships, I just personally don’t think I’d ever be able to write fanfics for them. Like I said, I enjoy getting to play around with OCs a lot.

8) Canon or Non Canon?

Non canon, of course!

9) Tell us about you and your writing…this is where you have the floor!

I’ve been writing since grade 7, so that’s 7 years! My mum also enjoys writing, so I guess you could say that I inherited it from her. I started by writing very short horror stories (which have over the years evolved into slightly longer short stories). I attempted to start writing a ‘real’ story in grade 8, and though I still love the idea, it was later pushed to the back of my mind in favour of more promising ideas. In 2011 I began writing a fantasy novel which I managed to finish last year, but I’m not sure if I like it all that much and plan to rewrite the whole thing. Since 2011, I’ve won a short story competition held by an indie author, and had another short story (under a penname) chosen to feature in a zombie anthology novel – A Thorn of Death. My Vampire Diaries fanfics are certainly not the first I’ve ever written, but I’d say that they’re by far my best.

Thank you Akhkharu Kashshaptu for taking time to answer our questions! 

TVD Interview: Demitria Teague

Can you please tell the people reading this your name?

Danae Infinger Pen Names: Ariadne Morag and Demitria Teague

Where do you like to post, and can you give us the site of your preferred medium?

www.FanFiction.Net  Here is my personal url for the site:

What do you prefer, Tea or Coffee?

I’m southern, so we like our sweet tea, but nothing makes me happier than a delicious mug of hot, creamy coffee.

What is your favorite beverage of choice? And if alcoholic and mixed, what are the ingredients?

Mm… Chocolate milk.. and Coke.. and Mountain Dew (Regular, Code Red, and the blue kind – Can’t remember the name.)

What is your funny story about trying something to drink and it rocked your boat and/or sucked?

I first saw the new Mountain Dew choices when I was working as a cashier at Winn Dixie.  I thought Mm.. let’s try this.  Although, I never believed for a second that new flavors could outdo the original Mountain Dew.  I was right.  I tried the white Mountain Dew flavor and it just tasted like a flat original flavored one.  Such a huge disappointment.  It’s like *tastes… makes face and hands it over to the person beside me – like, take this as far away from me as possible.  I will never drink it again.

What foods do you love?

I love pizza – omg.. and beef flavored Ramen Noodles with hot sauce.  Makes my mouth water just thinking about it.  I also love Chinese food.

What is your go to food for comfort?

Original Lays Chips

What do you like to snack when writing?

I don’t like to eat when I’m writing, because I constantly have to clean my fingers off, but I do love chewing gum.  It helps me focus, while giving me delicious mouth watering flavor.

Is there a scent that says home to you?

I’m a scent freak.  I could have an entire room dedicated to things that smell good, but the only scent I can think of is coffee – fresh brewed.  My dad has his routine that he makes at least two to three pots of coffee a day.  He makes it so good that he’ll make enough for our huge family and just start passing mugs out.

Is there a scent you wish you never smelled…ever?

Omg.. Chicken manure.

If you could visit a place, anywhere, where would it be and why?

England.  I love the accent.

If you could go back to any point in time, which would it be and why?

I would never want to go back in time.  I believe that the past is what makes you who you are.  I love who I am and would never want to risk losing any of the experiences that I’ve had.  I am a stronger, happier, and more intelligent person because of my past.

What music do you like?

I enjoy all music – even classical, but my favorite genre is alternative rock.

Is there a genre or song you hate?

I don’t like songs that talk vulgar.  Like, talking about your pants around your feet or something involving a woman’s vagina (the Pu**y word – Yuck!)

Tell us something about yourself that you think your fans would love to know:

I have O.C.D., which leads me to perfect my stories and finish what I start.  I can’t leave things undone or it will drive me nuts until I finish it.


Thanks. That gives us some basic information. Now, about the writing – I know you’re excited…

Why did you start writing?

When I was a child I used to draw – A LOT.  Most of the people that I drew were characters with full profiles.  Names, ages, powers, clothes, their height, their likes and dislikes, their fears, strengths and weaknesses, all of that.  Even what world they came from.  I was a very creative and imaginative child.  Eventually, just drawing wasn’t enough for me.  I felt compelled to tell these character’s stories and it was only natural that I would start writing.  I don’t remember when I first laid pen to paper and began to tell stories in the text medium, but I am sure glad that I did.  My life has been the most rewarding only because writing has kept me sane.  I never feel a level of immense joy until I get mondo inspiration for a story that I feel compelled to write and I never feel more me unless I’m writing it.  When I finish it and finally put it out there, when someone lets me know how much they enjoyed it.  It really lights up my soul when I know that I have entertained someone for even a small amount of their time and that they enjoyed it.  Writing isn’t just what I do it’s who I am.

What do you enjoy the most about it?

It’s pure creation.  I get to be a spectator of life and beauty and wonder coming from no where.  A reader is just a person who is taken on an adventure.  The writer get’s the front row seat at the very creation of it.  Because my stories write themselves I stare wide eyes as these amazing people and amazing worlds come into view and flow out of my fingertips on to a blank page or screen.  It’s the greatest gift in the world and I feel blessed to be a writer.

What do you like least about it?

A lot of times when I’m away from writing for a little while, a day or two, because I couldn’t bare to go any longer than that with out writing, when I go back to it I feel this horrible sense of dread.  It’s just my body’s resistance to having to make the effort and do something.  I don’t know why I get like this, because I absolutely love to write.  That dread eats me up so bad, though.  Ugh.  But I press on and push through it and am rewarded with the magic of pure creation.

That first time hitting publish, how did you feel?

I have never published anything the old fashioned way, but I have published stuff on www.FanFiction.Net and Yahoo Contributor and each time I publish anything I either feel extremely excited to finally get it up or I roll my eyes and sigh, so relieved to finally get that project away from me.  When you read something over and over and over to edit it, it gets old.  To me any way.  I’m a Gemini.  I like fresh things and I love to begin things.  It takes real effort for me to push through and finish stuff.  

Where do you get your inspiration?

Everything inspires me.  Movies, books, poems, lyrics, hearing bits of random conversation, images, and sometimes I just have awesome ideas pop in to my head from nowhere.  Sometimes, a single color will evoke a story to life and it feels like it just blossoms like a flower in my head and I run to paper and write it down, because I can hardly contain myself with the excitement that I feel.

What is your writing area i.e do you use computer or paper, or both? Or another medium?

I use both computer and paper.  I’ve thought about using a voice recorder, but I don’t really think it’d be a smart thing to voice aloud some of the things that pop in to my head.  I have family members around all the time and I don’t want to have to explain myself or deal with the weird looks they give me.  

Do you use an outline, rough draft, or just write?

I lay out main ideas and places I want the story to go.  I also write out character development and the synopsis.  All these things may change, but they give me a direction.  As for the story itself, I just let it flow out of me.  I don’t believe that you can control a story that already has a life of it’s own and it’s be crazy to try and a waste of time.  You’d do more fighting with your story then actually writing it, so I just let it come as it comes.

What do you do while you’re writing (i.e listen to music, TV in the background, etc.)?

I listen to music, most of the time I have headphones in my ears to block out the world.  It becomes my writing world bubble and nothing can disturb me.  If I don’t have headphones I will turn on some music or let a movie play in the background, as long as there isn’t a bunch of people running around making a lot of noise.

What annoys you the most when you are trying to write?

Having the misfortune of not having a pair of headphones.  When people run around me making a lot of unnecessary noise.  AKA:  Screaming kids.  I know they can’t help it, but grrr… I end up moving to another room, at times, changing from computer to paper.

If you have finished a fic, what was your feeling on it?

I haven’t finished any fic yet, but I am very happy and excited when I finish each chapter.

Who are your favorite characters in the TVD Fandom to write?

Jeremy Gilbert, Elena Gilbert, Damon Salvatore, Bonnie Bennett, Alaric Saltzman


Jeremy is obvious, hot hot, and he can fight, so it’s natural that I would love to write about him.  Jeremy and Elena have been through so much, so I usually write them together.  Elena as a vampire was very refreshing, because she became a stronger character, so it gave me more exciting story options.  Damon Salvatore is a very complex character.  He went from seemingly evil to becoming one of the strongest, most loyal people on the show.  

Most of his problems are because of his brother and Katherine, so I learned to love him.  I was so happy when Elena chose him instead of Stefan.  I like the whole family thing of Damon taking care of Elena and Jeremy.  Bonnie Bennett is a sweet, loyal, strong personality with kick ass witch powers and determination.  She brought Jeremy back from the dead and gave up her own life to do it.  

Even as a ghost she’s there for the betterment of her friends.  (Yeah, I’m a little behind on the show, but it’s still good stuff.)  I also look forward to seeing what happens, relationship wise with Jeremy and Bonnie.  They belong together.  Alaric Saltzman, is hot hot hot… just saying, but he’s more than that.  

If he wasn’t hot I would most likely still be writing about him, because he really is an awesome character.  All of the things that he went through to find out about his wife’s death.  The struggle he had with developing a second, evil, personality and the fact that he became a vampire along the way of trying to kill vampires.  He’s also the one guy that Damon became best friends with even though the two of them first hated each other and Damon even killed him once or twice.  Because of Alaric, Damon reached a new level of transformation in his personality and I appreciate that.

Now, I can’t help myself, but I like to ‘go there’ and write things that are not very pleasant for the characters and these personalities are the ones that I find the most fun to torture.  I don’t like to write them being tortured to death, but I like to take them through a journey where they are forced to deal with things that they don’t like and I like to write about their transformation and about the lessons they learn along the way.  It’s even more fun to write a continuance, a story after the first one where they are already transformed, because they are stronger and more knowledgeable and can deal with things they didn’t used to be able to deal with.  I love the shock or impressed reaction from their friends and family.  They go from being these weak, helpless people, to a modern day powerhouse leader in their own life.

I wrote all of that to explain to you just the way I think about characters and why I choose them to write about.  I don’t just choose random characters and see what I come up with.  I have to have respect and appreciation for them as they are.  Or, they just have to be devious or vulnerable enough for me to play with them and see what I can do for their future.

Who are your least favorite characters in the TVD Fandom to write?

Stefan Salvatore


He’s one of those characters that has done more bad than good and he keeps on making the same mistakes.  Like, if human blood comes in to play and he loses control he can’t help himself.  He freaking fed off people until he ripped their heads off.  I believe they called him the shredder or something like that.. no.. it was the ripper.  *shudders*  When Elena chose Stefan and not him he freaks out, turns off his humanity switch, and guess what?  He becomes the ripper…on purpose.  He whines and complains and soaks in his self pity about the things he’s done as the ripper and eventually people help him work through it and then he throws it all away and does it on purpose.  My sympathy for him is gone.  He’s a bad guy in good guys clothing.  My least favorite type of character and person in the world.

What is your favorite scene or story you have written and why?

My favorite story would have to be the one I am working on right now.  It’s a slash fan fiction and it’s based on Supernatural.  It’s my favorite, because I kept to the true character personalities.  The title is called Shame and Game.  You can try and guess why 😉 or read it here:

Read the reviews to the story here:

What is the most difficult story or scene you have written, and why?

I can’t think of any scenes that have been difficult for me.  I don’t have a problem with detail.  My stories write themselves.  Now, if I try to write anything without being inspired, then the entire experience feels likes I’m wading through sludge.  That’s why I usually begin my writing experience by looking at inspirational images, listening to music, watching music videos, or writing something unrelated to my project to open my mind.  It’s the most effective way for me.  I always have headphones in my ears, listening to music.  Or, if it’s quiet I put some music on the radio or use the satellite music channels on my t.v. to get me in the mood.

Do you see any characteristics in the characters you write?  

I basically try to stick with the characters actual personality. Sometimes, I’ll throw stuff like that in if I feel it will work, but each character is different. Occassionally, I’ll write about those characters that do similar thing unknowingly. That goes with all my characters.

Which ones and whom?


What do you like most about The Vampire Diaries Fandom?

A Fandom is like every other Fandom.  It’s about the fan’s ranting and raving and showing their support.  I’ve seen amazing edited pictures and fan fictions.  Someone even edited a picture with Damon’s face over a beautiful sun set and put Happy Birthday on it for my birthday.  Now, that was cool.  It was very touching that someone would go through that much trouble for me.  

How would you describe your fics?

I don’t really know how to answer this other than saying that all of them are different.  Besides, main ideas in the plot or main things about the characters, I don’t like to lay out my stories, so I never know where they’re going to end up.  I say that some of them are fun and funny and others are deep and tortuous.  According to my fans, they are entertaining.  That and the fact that they make me happy to write them is all that is important.

What story would you recommend, of your own, for a new fan to start first?

I would have to say ‘Mentalist Slash Vampire’ and the reason I say that is because that is a pure fan fiction.  There is no smut or slash.  Just pure wholesome, fantasy/Patrick/Lisbon/Vanpelt/Rigsby/Cho goodness.  I stick to the characters’ personalities as much as possible and I like to see what I can do with them.  There are a few chapters and if anything it will give you a good look at my writing style.

You can read the story here:


Now the HARD questions:

If you could offer a suggestion to someone who is thinking of publishing their first story, what would it be?

Make sure that your story is something that you are ecstatic about.  If you started writing it, then changed things because you didn’t think anyone would like it, then you cheated yourself.  When you write, do it to entertain yourself.  When you do that every single word is thick with your passion.  Your readers will be able to see that and feel that.  They will only enjoy your story as much as you do if you are true to yourself.  If you’re not passionate about what you’re writing then your stories will be dull and lifeless and your readers will be able to pick up on that too, because your story will most likely put them to sleep.

If you could go back in time, and give yourself one word of advice, what would you say? (No Lottery numbers or anything like that!!!)

I would tell myself to stop slacking and finish something.  It’s what I always tell myself to kick my butt in gear.  I know this statement may sound harsh to others, but if you know me and my personality, a dose of harshness mixed with a smirk and some humor actually does make me work harder.  I like to amuse myself.  When I get that warm fuzzy feeling like I want to laugh I feel better and want to write.

What 5 stories would you recommend someone read? Please list fandom, sites, and name with pairing.

1) Charmed:  It’s an adorable story with Dean Winchester/Castiel Slash Pairing.  The fandom is Diestiel.  

Read it here:

2) Bending Supernatural Reality:  Another Dean Winchester/Castiel Slash Pairing.  The fandom is Diestiel.

Read it here:

3) The Day I Fly Away:  It shows you how Castiel is with a cracked, confused mind.  Dean Winchester is his doctor, but it’s not slash.  The fandom is Supernatural.

Read it here:

4) Psych Takes A Vacation (Another Fan Fiction Of Mine): No pairings.  Fandom Psych.  

 Read it here:  

5) Avengers: Casual Affair: Loki/Tony Stark Slash Pairing.  The fandom is Avenger or Iron/Ice.  This story was written with great care to blend the events of Iron Man 1 and Thor in to it.  There is also a video, which the Slash fiction was based off of.

Read it here:

Watch the video:  

Is there something you wished I asked, and if so, what as well as the answer.

No.  You really covered it.  🙂


Thanks!! I will be turning this in. Now questions about your favorite character

Name of Character:

Shawn Spencer

Story he/she is in:  

He’s not originally from a story.

Is he/she an Original Character or a series known?  

He is the main character from the hit television series Psych.

Are they In Character or Out of Character?

He pretty much plays as many roles as he wants to to get his way.


Shawnster, The Amazing Psych Man

Date of Birth:  

February, 1977


Psychic Consultant for the Santa Barbara Police Department

Stats (Aka height, hair color, eye color, and so on):

Height/Unknown, Hair Color/Brown, Eye Color/Brown

Significant other(s):  

Juliet O’Hara

Best Friend(s):  

Burton ‘Gus’ Gustor, Pierre Desperaux


Impossible to list in this tiny space.

Any noticeable Scars, Tattoos, or other markings:


If they could have a Theme Song, which would it be?

Um.. knowing Shawn, it would probably involve something with Pineapples.

What is their favorite Movie?

There really is no telling.  Shawn and Gus watch movies all the time and have marathons.

What is something that the fans don’t know about your character?

He’s not my character.  I hope that wasn’t implied.  But in my story Psych Takes A Vacation it could be hinted that he has a supernatural ability… or is bisexual…  it’s still debatable.

TVD Interview: cloemarrie

Hello! Thanks for allowing me to interview you!!! I really appreciate it, and I’m loving the chance to have other fandoms find our spot.

Thankfully, we have been invited into the non-cannon awards. This gives us the chance to have our favorite couple be spotlighted, for NOT being Canon. Funny huh?

So, I have a few questions to ask. Some of these questions are to get to know you, the writer, better. Then I will send over an interview where you pick a character out of one of your stories, and you can interview them. I thought it would be fun and a way for you to feed the fans some information about that character.

If you wish to include a banner for the character, or for yourself, please contact me and I will be happy to help you out.

So we are going to start out with some basic information for all of you.

Can you please tell the people reading this your name? Margaret Williams but everyone in the fandom knows me by Cloe Marrie

Where do you like to post, and can you give us the site of your preferred medium? I post on ffn, fp, and now TWCS I prefer ffn because its much easier and it’s a site I’m used to…but I may change that..not sure yet

What do you prefer, Tea or Coffee? Coffee!!!

What is your favorite beverage of choice? And if alcoholic and mixed, what are the ingredients? Coffee in the morning, tea or water in the afternoon

What is your funny story about trying something to drink and it rocked your boat and/or sucked? The first time I tried hard liquor was when I was I think 18…I know underage….but back then they weren’t that strict…anyway my brother said he could out drink me so we kept taking shots of vodka, Jack Daniels, and rum. I out drank him but I was so messed up that I thought my brother was screwing a tree lol

What foods do you love? Comfort foods and seafood, i love chinese and mexican food but i’m trying to stay away from fattening foods lol

What is your go to food for comfort? Breakfast burritos…makes me feel closer to my dad who passed away.

What do you like to snack when writing? Veggie chips or peanuts or any healthy snack

Is there a scent that says home to you? Woodsy scents

Is there a scent you wish you never smelled ever? Manure

If you could visit a place, anywhere, where would it be? Niland, CA

If you could go at any point in time, which would it be? I would like to go back to 2000….before 911 happened and before i’d gotten married. Plus back then i had a chance to be with someone I really wanted to be with but I blew it

What music do you like? Before writing I would say country and oldies but now that I became serious with my writing my music is all over the place

Is there a genre or song you hate? Rap I HATE that crap

Tell us something about yourself that you think your fans would love to know about: Writing has always been my passion. I wrote my first song when I was 9 years old. Back then I wanted to be a singer/songwriter. When I was 13 I received my first guitar and had a chance to go to Nashville to become a singer but my dad got sick and I wanted to be with him. I also wrote my first story/fanfiction when I was 13, gave it to my teacher, and when graduation came    I received a gold medal literature award for the story. I wrote my second book when I was married at the age of 23 (got married when i was 21) I became truly serious about writing four years ago (2010)

Thanks. That gives us some basic information. Now, about the writing – I know you’re excited…

Why did you start writing? I began writing as a child because I enjoyed it but now I write because it usually relieved the stress I feel.

What do you enjoy the most about it? I enjoy the way the characters speak through me

What do you like least about it? what’s not to like about it…writing is fantastic!

That first time hitting publish, how did you feel? it felt good 🙂

Where do you get your inspiration? I get it through everyday things…movies I watch, my passed, music, having feelings for someone and not being able to tell him…just things that happen every day lol

What is your writing area like do you use computer or paper, or both? Or another medium? I use both

Do you use an outline, rough draft or just write? most of the time I just write…I’ve tried using outlines and rough drafts but they never work for me

What do you do while you’re writing (listen to music, TV in the background, etc.)? I listen to music through headphones because if I don’t I’ll get too distracted

What annoys you the most when you are trying to write? When my family tries talking to me or they have the tv too loud and I can’t concentrate and when my phone goes off

If you have finished a fic, what was your feeling on it? i feel sad but great at the sametime

What are your favorite fandoms to write? Well atm it’s Twi but I’m trying other fandoms including VD

Who are your favorite characters to write? Non-Canon

Why? I just hate canon pairings

Who are your least favorite characters to write? From Twilight it’d have to be Edward and Bella from VD it’d have to be Klaus from TB it’d be Bill

Why? I just can’t stand them. Edward is too controlling and Bella is annoying…Klaus is too evil and Bill is vindictive

What is your favorite scene or story you have written and why? This is a bit tough…it’s out of two stories:

Regret (not posted yet) it was written for a fundraiser. It’s a VD story…Delena
Lost Freedom was written for Fage 6 it’s Bella (i know i said I couldn’t stand her but if you read it you’d understand why i wrote it) just a warning it has cheating in it

What is the most difficult story or scene you have written, and why? The most difficult scene would have to be in “Emmett Swan, Mr. McCarty” where Mr. McCarty (Emmett’s second personality) rapes and kills some women

Do you see any characteristics in the characters you write? Not really…I write them a different way every time

What do you like most about your preferred fandom? I prefer VD…I just like how much free reign I can have with them 🙂

How would you describe your fics? dark and depressing for the most part

What story would you recommend of your own for a new fan to start first? It’s out of two differnt stories: Lost Freedom or First Bite O’Hallows Night

Now the HARD questions:

If you could offer a suggestion to someone who is thinking of publishing their first story, what would it be? Do it! If you have a chance go for it! Don’t hesitate…it’s the best gift you could give yourself!

If you could go back in time, and give yourself one word of advice, what would you say? (No Lottery numbers or anything like that!!!) If I could go back in time to give myself advice it’d be…don’t let others put you down! Go for your dreams and NEVER GIVE UP!!!

What 5 stories would you recommend someone read? Please list fandom, sites and name with pairing.

These are all on, FictionPad, and The Writers Coffee Shop:

TVD: First Bite O’Hallows Night
Twi: Lost Freedom
Twi: Unexpected Twist
All fandoms (this is just a collection of fandom related things): Poetry
Twi: Emmett Swan, Mr. McCarty

Is there something you wished I asked, and if so, what as well as the answer? Nope

Thanks!! I will be turning this in. Please see the next page for the Questionnaire for the Character!

Name of Character: Isabella Cullen

Story she is in: Lost Freedom

Is she an original Character or a series known? Bella is from Twilight…at least her name is!

Are they in character or Out of Character? she’s an OC (out of character) she isn’t the weak person she was in Twilight

Nickname: Bella

Date of Birth: As it appears in Twilight

Occupation: Mother

Stats (Aka Height, hair color, eye color, and so on): 5’7, black hair, brown eyes

Significant other: Edward

Best Friends: Rosalie (also her sis in law), Angela, Alice, Jasper, Jacob

Enemies: Jessica and Lauren

Any noticeable Scars, Tattoos, or other markings: no

If they could have a Theme Song, which would it be? Papa Loved Mama by Garth Brooks

What is their favorite Movie? Doesn’t have one

What is something that the fans don’t know about your character? She contemplated suicide every day during her imprisonment