Twilight Interview with Petersgirl2011


Hey, hey! So, I bet this is a surprise for you? Well it shouldn’t be, you’re a winning Non-Canon awards participant for practically all the rounds! You’re an amazing writer girl! So, here are the questions for you to fill out, have some fun with them, give us all the gory details! 

 So we are going to start out with some basic information for all of you.

Can you please tell the people reading this your name?

My name is Donna. My pen name is Petersgirl2011 on Fan Fiction. I also can be found on other sites  just  as Petersgirl.

Where do you like to post, and can you give us the site of your preferred medium?

I post on FanFiction, Tricky Raven (wolf stories only), AO3, The Writers Coffee Shop and FWAR.

My link:

Tricky Raven and FWAR always makes you feel at home and like you are a member of their site.  I am giving Mist and OTB a shout out for going beyond the call of duty to make you feel welcomed.

What do you prefer, Tea or Coffee?

Coffee. I drink it by the pots.  I will be typing away at midnight and still drinking coffee.

What is your favorite beverage of choice?  And if alcoholic and mixed, what are the ingredients?

My favorite is diet Dr. Pepper. I practically live on it.  As far as alcoholic beverage goes; Blackberry Wine or Margaritas. Blended not on ice and lots of salt!

What is your funny story about trying something to drink and it rocked your boat and/or sucked?  

My girlfriend and I were out drinking one night. The bartender suggested we drink a Life Savior. It tasted just like fruit punch and we had several of them. But when we stood up it knocked us on our butt and  fast.

Somehow we became part of the bachelorette party happening in the bar.  To make a long story short. They had rented a party bus and were visiting as many bars as they could in one night. We joined them. I woke up with a Peter’s Girl tramp stamp about a hundred miles from home still on the bus. Which I still wear proudly today by the way.

We have been best friends with the bride to be ever since. AND I have never drank another Life Savior.

What foods do you love? 

Italian food and a big juice steak would be tied for first. I am addicted to Oreos (all flavors) so I don’t buy them very often because I will eat them all.

What is your go to food for comfort?

I really don’t have one.

What do you like to snack when writing?

I generally don’t snack while I write. Because my hands stay busy typing away.

Is there a scent that says home to you?

You can find Yankee scented candles throughout my house. In the kitchen it is pumpkin and spice. For my bedroom Midnight Summer rain. Where I write is Vanilla Cone.

Is there a scent you wish you never smelled ever?

Oh yeah, wet dog is the worst. I have two Labradors and since we live out in the country. They roam around a lot. When it rains it is like yuck…stay away.

If you could visit a place, anywhere, where would it be?


If you could go at any point in time, which would it be?

The roaring 20’s. I think I would have made a good flapper girl.

What music do you like?

I enjoy everything from country, rap, old rock and new wave. It depends on the song really.

Is there a genre or song you hate?

I really don’t hate any music. Classical is my least favorite though.

Tell us something about yourself that you think your fans would love to know about: 

This is the hardest question for me to answer. I am the most backwards author you could ever meet. I generally write the chapter ending first. Then I write the rest of it. With the first chapter I write of a story, the last chapter is written then as well.   It is everything in between I am never sure about.

Thanks.  That gives us some basic information.  Now, about the writing –   I know you’re excited…

Why did you start writing?

When my children all left the nest to go off to college I had so much disposable time on my hands. I found it to be like my therapy.

What do you enjoy the most about it?

I get completely lost in the world and the characters I write. It is like PG versus the computer. I love the challenge of creating something exciting for people to read.

What do you like least about it?

When I get a character stuck in my head and I can’t switch back to write on another story. I HATE IT!

That first time hitting publish, how did you feel?

I was so nervous. I really didn’t think anyone would want to read it.

Where do you get your inspiration?

From my supportive loving husband Peter. He reads every single thing I write and I bounce a lot of  my ideas off of him. And yes, he even reads about the vampires. Which at first he had no idea who in the hell they were. He went and rented all  the Twilight series so he could understand what I was writing.

In the New Moon scene of Jacob and Bella at the camp site his comment was.  “That damn Bella is kissing Jacob now. Edward will be mad and she is just going to ruin everything.” I couldn’t help but to laugh at this large strong man setting through hours of the sparkly vampires just for me.

hardy101 was why I signed up for a FanFiction account.  I wanted to keep track of her stories for updates. This little girl can write the Sons of Anarchy like it’s nobody’s business.  We have become friends since then. She was my push to write the Sons of Anarchy.

4MeJasper reviewed MY JOURNEY when it was posted on FanFiction the first time. She gave me nothing but love and encouragement to keep going. I have read everything this woman ever wrote and I still idolize her today. With a superstar like her reading me I couldn’t wait to post again. The next chapter  was written overnight and I can’t thank her enough for it.

What is your writing area like do you use computer or paper, or both?  Or another medium?

I only use the computer. Sometimes I do cheat a little and use a recorder for dictation. So I don’t forget whatever thought I was having. I try to keep it with me at all times. So when something pops in my head I can write it later.

Do you use an outline, rough draft or just write?

I have never been able to write by an outline. Or have a specific time to sit down and write.

As I click away on the key board, I just let it flow of where the characters are going .

What do you do while you’re writing (listen to music, TV in the background, etc.)?

There is a playlist for every story I have written. When I need a little extra juice to get the chapter finished, I put on the playlist and see where my characters lead me.

What annoys you the most when you are trying to write?

When someone is talking to me while I’m trying to write. I lose my place, forget what I was going to type next or make a bunch of mistakes.

If you have finished a fic, what was your feeling on it?

When I posted the last chapter of Ricochet of Love it was a huge relief. I wrote 200,000 words in about six months. It was like whew… I finally got it out of my system.

What are your favorite fandoms to write?

I love to write Twilight and the Sons of Anarchy. They are what I do the most. I am giving Breaking Bad a shot… still trying to find my grove with Walter and Jessie.

The Psych/Twilight crossover is written for my son. He loves Shawn and Gus. I have spent hours watching this show with him and it’s just our time. He gives me the approval nod  to make sure I am getting the Psych characters correct.

Who are your favorite characters to write

My favorite characters would have to be Emmett Cullen and Jackson Teller. I swear it’s not just because they are very sexy men either. Well it is a little.


Emmett is such a versatile character. He can be funny, serious or even a little on the mean side and you can’t help but to love him anyway. Em is the total package and them some!

With Jackson I relate somewhat to him. My husband rides and I have ridden with him. There is no feeling like  flying down the highway on the steel horse. So when I write Jackson’s journals, the lingo or about the ride it comes natural to me.

Who are your least favorite characters to write?

Edward Cullen is the worst for me.


I have had a lot of requests for Bella and Edward stories, I always have to tell them I can’t.  I don’t feel I do his character enough justice to write him. Some think I pick on him or don’t like him.  That is not it all. I can’t write him for crap so I make it funny or use him as the bad guy. Now I have shared my Edward secret with you.

What is your favorite scene or story you have written and why?

MY JOURNEY. This story is about my husband, Peter. Believe it or not a lot of things in the story are really true. Not the sparkly vampires of course, well maybe. We have had some crazy times together and when I write the character Peter, he is reflected how I see my real life Peter.

What is the most difficult story or scene you have written, and why?

Hot Harleys and Cool Vampires was a difficult story for many reasons, hands down. As you can tell by the title the theme is hot and cold. Which is referenced in about a thousand different ways throughout the story. The comparison of a biker and a vampire’s way of life. The way they live is actually simuilar and yet different. They both have their own demons and are both predators in different ways. Even though they are trying to find ways to be a better man.  At times I wanted to give up trying to put it all together on paper.

The threesomes for this story was the hardest thing I have written yet. It took me about a week of off and on writing to get it right. It was a threesome between a vampire, a biker and a human girl. I talked to a couple of my writer friends and they told me not to do it. Because it wouldn’t be believable and the biker couldn’t know vampires existed. Since I worked so hard to keep them realistic and it a true crossover of what they really were, I almost talked myself out of doing it.

I think figuring out how to make it  be a hot lemon but still allowing them all to touch was what took me so long. I had to be careful with the differences in body temperature of the vampire and a human. So I had them together in the snow while in the hot tub for one of the threesomes. She got the best of the hot and cool action as well as my readers.

Do you see any characteristics in the characters you write?

I see some of my characteristics at times.

Which ones and whom?

When Bella is being a bad girl, she is just PG in disguise.

What do you like most about your preferred fandom?

Everything. It has endless possibilities to make it whatever you want it to be.

How would you describe your fics?

Funny, crazy, a little out there sometimes, different and original.

What story would you recommend of your own for a new fan to start first? 

MY JOURNEY. Because it is meant to be a fun loving and humorous story. I don’t think there is enough humor and laughter in the world. We have the everyday pressure of life. So if you need a giggle it is the one to read.

Now the HARD questions:

If you could offer a suggestion to someone who is thinking of publishing their first story, what would it be?

Just do it and post it. No matter what you write about do it your way.  Because it is your story to tell.   As long as you’re happy with it, it is already a sucess. And when you think you’re done writing, write some more!

If you could go back in time, and give yourself one word of advice, what would you say?  (No Lottery numbers or anything like that!!!)

Don’t be so stubborn.

What 5 stories would you recommend someone read?  Please list fandom, sites and name with pairing.

Wow only five. Because I could do about a hundred just off the top of my head.

1… Legend: The Golden Wolf, by sabrina michaels


Twlight, FanFiction, Brady/Bella,

Brady and Bella have never met even though their live are destined for each other…part of an ancient Tribal Legend no longer told to the younger generations. When Brady finally finds Bella, nothing will ever separate them.


NOTE: Brady is not a character who was developed in Twilight. In this story however he is a strong wolf who loves with all of his might. Sabrina has done a wonderful job of building the wolf world around him. Which is not an easy task to do. It is a unique story and so well written.


2… Bella and The Tree Spirit, by 4MeJasper

Twilight, FanFiction, Caius/Bella,

What if the Cullens weren’t the first immortals that Bella met? What if she had an encounter with a more transitory immortal while she was in Phoenix? One that had a history with Caius…

NOTE: This story will keep you completley fascinated until the end. When I started reading I couldn’t put it down until I got to the last chapter posted. You see a different side of Caius and despite of who or what he is, you can’t help but to fall in love with him. 4MeJasper is an excellent writer and I would reommend all of her stories.

3… Unexpected Happiness, by Rhodes 11

Twlight, FanFiction, Jacob/Bella,

Jake and his baby boy move to Seattle to start a new life. But what happens when he meets a gorgeous, sassy Bella in the most unlikeliest of places? All human.

NOTE: Rhodes 11 is team Jacob all the way. If you love Jacob stories, she is your author to read. The way she portrays him is amazing. He can be a bad boy one second and a loving gentle man the next. No matter the harsh situation or rough times in the story, he never losses his boyish charm.

4… The Search Is Over Remake, by Hardy101 (THIS IS THE FIRST ONE IN THE SERIES)

Sons of Anarchy and Twilight Crossover, FanFiction, Jackson/Bella,

After Edward breaks Bella’s heart she finds out that her dad was hiding something from her. He was part of a biker gang called the SONS OF ANARCHY she soon goes to Charming CA to stay with her uncle to forget about Edward.

NOTE: When two worlds collide, they are explosive. That is what hardy101 gives you. She writes both Twilight and Sons stories. But this one is my favorite. She had me hooked in the first chapter. Read all of her stories or you are missing out.

5… Shifting Tides, by otherworlder81

Twilight, FanFiction, Sam/Bella,

Sam’s being pressured by Emily about their inability to become pregnant. Trying to escape from the pressures at home, Sam seeks solace and ends up in the arms of Bella. How will these new circumstances alter Sam and his life? Which path is the right one for Sam?

NOTE: Throughout the story you feel like you are a part of it. Otherworlder81 has the great ability to take you to the place and time she is writing about. Also she made me hate characters I never have before. Not to mention the lemons are so sweet and tart! See all of her stories.

Is there something you wished I asked, and if so, what as well as the answer. 

There isn’t anything else I can think of. You have done a wonderful job on these questions and thank you for asking me to do this. It was fun and a huge honor.

Thanks!! I will be turning this in.  Please see the next page for the Questionnaire for the Character!



Name of Character:  Jackson Teller

Story he is in: Hot Harleys and Cool Vampires

Is (s)he an original Character or a series known? series known

Are they in character or Out of Character? in character

Nickname(s): Jax

Date of Birth:  1987

Occupation: Outlaw Biker

Stats (Aka Height, hair color, eye color, and so on):

Height: 6’1″

hair color: Blonde

eye color: blue

Significant other(s): Bella Swan

Best Friend(s): Opie Winston

Enemies(s): Anybody that tries to hurt his family or his club and it’s a long list.

Any noticeable Scars, Tattoos, or other markings:  The reaper tattoo takes up his back. Bella and his son Abel’s name is tatted above his heart. Along with miscellaneous tats on his arms.

If they could have a Theme Song, which would it be?  Simple Kind of Man, by Lynard Skinner

What is their favorite Movie? Scar Face

What is something that the fans don’t know about your character?  Jax is struggling with right and wrong. On the surface he is a dangerous outlaw who lives for his club. He is always their strong leader and takes action when he has to. On the inside he is falling apart and the club is slowly killing everything he loves.

Okay, so you’re at the bottom now? Awesome! Thank you so much for writing for us Petersgirl!



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Plagiarism is the “wrongful appropriation” and “stealing and publication” of another author’s “language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions” and the representation of them as one’s own original work. (via Wiki)


The act of appropriating the literary composition of another author, or excerpts, ideas, or passages therefrom, and passing the material off as one’s own creation.

Plagiarism is theft of another person’s writings or ideas. Generally, it occurs when someone steals expressions from another author’s composition and makes them appear to be his own work.


It has come to our attention mainly I, TheDarkestFallingStar, that several members of our – the fandom – community, including our very own Kittyinaz and BertieBott that someone has taken their work and claimed it as their own.

No matter it be a book, fanfiction, an image or even certain style, it is wrong. An Author, Artist and so on have put their soul into their work to give you something amazing, to share it with the world.

For someone, no matter if you are a fan of their work, to take that little bit of soul from them and claim it as your own it hurts deep down inside. Now, I can talk because I too have had work plagiarized and I know that soul crushing disappointment and it hinders my work. I find myself becoming less and less enthusiastic in my work and for that my followers suffer, my art suffers.

I assume that it is the same for all of you when this happens. I can also say that my friends feel the same way as well on top of the crippling anger that this has happened and mind you that anger is well placed.

Now, us girls here are a family, hell the whole fandom is a family and when one of us have a problem we all gather and help out because that’s what a family does, no matter how small or big the problem may be.

So here is the information I have gathered from Kittyinaz and BertieBot, but I BEG of you don’t go and abuse this person no matter how wrong it may be, just check if you see a story you know and then report it.

This writer on

BellaEric27, has plagerised many stories from many of my fellow writers.

Every Dark Night Turns into Day by KittyInaz

Set My Soul Alight by BertieBott

A few of Dr Harleen Frances Quinzel’s works

And many more that I am unsure of, but please check the site to see if there is a story you know that is someone elses, report and so on.

If you wish to report her, the email address is as follows:
From their help topic:

Reporting Abuse

Please include the following “[abuse]“ tag in your support email subject.

Alert administrators of site abuse by other members: spamming, submission of content against site guidelines, etc.

Please be detailed as possible in your report and when applicable, include link to the story, review, member profile, or any other evidence in question.



6 Ways to Avoid Plagiarism

  •  Paraphrase– So you have found information that is perfect for your research paper. Read it and put it into your own words. Make sure that you do not copy verbatim more than two words in a row from the text you have found. If you do use more than two words together, you will have to use quotation marks. We will get into quoting properly soon.
  • Cite– Citing is one of the effective ways to avoid plagiarism. Follow the document formatting guidelines (i.e. APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) used by your educational institution or the institution that issued the research request. This usually entails the addition of the author(s) and the date of the publication or similar information. Citing is really that simple. Not citing properly can constitute plagiarism.
  • Quoting– When quoting a source, use the quote exactly the way it appears. No one wants to be misquoted. Most institutions of higher learning frown on “block quotes” or quotes of 40 words or more. A scholar should be able to effectively paraphrase most material. This process takes time, but the effort pays off! Quoting must be done correctly to avoid plagiarism allegations.
  • Citing Quotes– Citing a quote can be different than citing paraphrased material. This practice usually involves the addition of a page number, or a paragraph number in the case of web content.
  • Citing Your Own Material– If some of the material you are using for your research paper was used by you in your current class, a previous one, or anywhere else you must cite yourself. Treat the text the same as you would if someone else wrote it. It may sound odd, but using material you have used before is called self-plagiarism, and it is not acceptable.
  • Referencing – One of the most important ways to avoid plagiarism is including a reference page or page of works cited at the end of your research paper. Again, this page must meet the document formatting guidelines used by your educational institution. This information is very specific and includes the author(s), date of publication, title, and source. Follow the directions for this page carefully. You will want to get the references right.

Judges Choice Winner Interview With TwiAddictAnne

Hello!  So sorry that it’s taken so long to get this to you! So this is like the normal interview but with changed questions 🙂 First Congrats on winning first place Judges/Public voting!

a beauty for a beast

So we are going to start out with some basic information for all of you.

Can you please tell the people reading this your name?

It’s Anne, but I sign my name as Ann in the fandom.



Link to your work?

Fanfiction. net:



Archive of Our Own:

Okay, so now the story questions!

What made you decide to write for the Non-Canon awards?

To tell you the truth, when I first heard about the awards, I thought non-canon is not my cup of tea. So I skipped past the post a few times. But one day I saw a post from Cloe on Facebook saying that other fandoms are being welcomed into the Non-Canon Awards as well. Then I got thinking that the only non-canon pairing I love, and can write is Damon and Elena in TVD. So that led to some brain-storming and here I am. 🙂 Continue reading Judges Choice Winner Interview With TwiAddictAnne

Contest Author Review with eddiebell69

Hello!  So sorry that it’s taken so long to get this to you! So this is like the normal interview but with changed questions 🙂 First Congrats on winning first place Public voting! 

Twisted Fairy Tales PV 1 Through the Crepuscular Glass

So we are going to start out with some basic information for all of you.

Can you please tell the people reading this your name?

Penname? eddiebell69

Link to your work?

Okay, so now the story questions!

What made you decide to write for the Non-Canon awards? I love non-canon stories and pairings, but when I saw that the contest called for a dark fairy tale with a twist, I knew that I had to enter.

What made you choose that fairy tale? I’ve got a thing for anything regarding madness—books, movies and music—and I am a little obsessed with Alice in Wonderland, so after seeing one of the pictures for inspiration on the contest’s tumblr, I knew immediately that I had to write about it.

Are you a new follower or have been one since the beginning?  Sadly, I’m a new follower, but now I’m here to stay! 😉

Tell us, what was your muse for writing the story? All the gory details are welcome! I have always wanted to write an Alice/Edward story, and I have definitely tried in the past, but it somehow never came to fruition. Another thing that I wanted to do for a while as well was for Alice to be a murderer. I know that sounds dark and twisted, but it was perfect for the contest, and thankfully, I was able to do it in a way that wasn’t too gory. As far as inspiration goes, I watched Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland, and I listened to the movie’s soundtrack whilst writing. I also did lots of research beforehand, too, and while I did my background investigation, I found a website called Heavy Red. That’s where I found the visuals and inspiration for Alice’s wardrobe. *whispers* She’s a Steampunk baby!

How were you writing for the story? Nervous, excited? I was nervous and excited! Nervous because I wasn’t sure I’d be able to pull it off, and excited because I was managing to write out all the scenes I’d imagined when plotting the story.

What was your favourite fic –besides your own- in the contest? A Beauty for a Beast

Is there another Fairytale you would have chosen if you had the chance? Yes! I had also thought about writing a Ravenna/Snow White story based on the characters from Snow White and the Huntsman, and I even considered writing it as a second entry, but I ran out of time and couldn’t do it.

What was the hardest about writing? Finding the right music to write to… Yeah, I know that sounds crazy, but I always write with music, and if I don’t have the right song to do it, I get blocked. It wasn’t until I searched for Alice in Wonderland’s soundtrack that I was able to get my words flowing flawlessly.


Thanks.  That gives us some basic information.  Now the general questions, about the writing –   I know you’re excited…

Why did you start writing? I actually started writing fanfiction for a contest about four years ago, and, to be honest, I write most of my stories for contests.

What do you enjoy the most about it? The challenge a story presents when you come up with an idea, and being able to reach the goal of conveying a character’s tale and journey once you finish writing it. So, when I get a review telling me that they understood what I was trying to get across? It’s fucking priceless.  

What do you like least about it? How readers can be very close-minded. I know that if I enter a contest and my story is not how many want it, I’m going to get negative and hateful reviews. It’s happened many times, but it still doesn’t deter me from continuing to write.

That first time hitting publish, how did you feel? I was so nervous. I think I stalled for about thirty minutes before I just said, “Fuck it,” and pushed that miraculous button. lol J

Where do you get your inspiration? Mostly from music! I’ll look at a contest prompt and then search for a song that relates to it if I don’t already know one. From there, I listen to it; I study the lyrics and see how I can work the song into my story. I do this about 99% of the time. Ooh, but I also search for visuals—lots of visuals. Visuals and music are good.

What is your writing area like? Do you use computer or paper, or both?  Or another medium? I use my computer, my cell phone, my iPad and my notebook to write, and I do it anywhere I can because time is often scarce. As for my writing area? I’d have to say it’s my bed and a small portable desk. That’s where I do my editing and brainstorming.

Do you use an outline, rough draft or just write? It really depends on the story, but as I’ve gotten more involved in writing and its process, I’ve been doing outlines for most.

What do you do while you’re writing (listen to music, TV in the background, etc.)? Did I mention that I listen to music? Because, yeah. lol 😉

What annoys you the most when you are trying to write? Ugh. When my mom keeps trying to have a conversation with me when she clearly knows that I’m in my writing bubble. That. Really. Sucks.

If you have finished a fic, what was your feeling on it? Finished writing a fic? I felt accomplished and happy. If the question is regarding reading a fic, I definitely felt inspired and awed.

What are your favourite fandoms to write? Twilight, but I plan on writing some Glee and Orange Is the New Black stories. Hopefully. Someday.

Who are your favourite characters to write? Jake and Leah!

Why? They are the most underrated and misunderstood characters in the fandom. And I say misunderstood because many people forget that Jake was an immature teenager that was in love with his best friend. Was he going to be manipulative? Definitely. Also, Leah needs more happy endings! Stephenie Meyer really messed that up in the books… Jake and Leah, anyone? 😉

Who are your least favourite characters to write? This is going to sound crazy, but… Edward and Bella.

Why? Because many people won’t read stories if Edward and Bella are not the lead characters, and when they are, they always have some sort of happy ending—even if the story doesn’t merit it. There was actually a contest I didn’t enter because one of the judges said that if it wasn’t about an Edward/Bella pairing, she wasn’t going to read the entry. But still, I’ll write about them when they take over my mind and tell me their story. It’s happened a lot recently.

What is your favourite scene or story you have written and why? My favourite scene or story? That’s a tough question. I’m really proud of all my stories, so I can’t really pick just one, especially because they’re all special in their own way. Sorry. L

What is the most difficult story or scene you have written, and why? The most difficult scene I’ve had to write to date is the last one in my story “Lead Me into the Light.” I cried a lot while I wrote it because I shared the journey that my characters made throughout the story, so when I accomplished reaching their destiny, it was really hard letting them go.

Do you see any characteristics in the characters you write? Definitely.

Which ones and whom? All of my characters are unique in their own way, and even when they’re canon, I find a way to make them a little different. This is where finding visuals for my stories is vital, actually. When I’m plotting a story, I’m able to discern my characters’ mood, and then I search for a picture that will match who they are. It’s actually kinda weird and amazing at the same time.

What do you like most about your preferred fandom? The friends I’ve made and how supportive they are. The Twilight fandom can be a crazy bunch, but there are lots of good peeps in it, too.

How would you describe your fics? I’d like to say “original” because I try to make them as original as I can, but I am using someone else’s characters, so that doesn’t really apply. I’ll use the word “unique”—it’s the most fitting. Definitely. And from the heart because they are always created with lots of love.

What story would you recommend of your own for a new fan to start first? Hmm, it would probably be “Someday.” It’s an Emmett/Rosalie story that I wrote for the Fruit’s On the Vine Contest, which won Best Other Pairing. I’m very, very proud of it.

Now the HARD questions:

If you could offer a suggestion to someone who is thinking of publishing their first story, what would it be? Always stay true to yourself and your characters. Don’t write your story in a way that would please others. Write for yourself and from the heart, and your stories will leave an impact on others. And find a really good beta. Betas make such a huge difference!

If you could go back in time, and give yourself one word of advice, what would you say?  (No Lottery numbers or anything like that!!!) Like, life in general? Study. Study a lot and take advantage of the free education that is provided for you. I will always regret not having studied when I could.

What 5 stories would you recommend someone read?  Please list fandom, sites and name with pairing.

Okay, these stories are all from the Twilight fandom and are posted on

Pretty in Pink by fr333bird (Riley/Emmett)

If Only by sadtomatoff (Jake/Edward)

Divine Intervention by ImaginaryHeart (Jake/Bella)

Doc McCarty and the Big, Purple Toy by Discordia81 (Edward/Emmett)

Outbound by afternoondlight (My all-time favourite Edward/Bella fic)

Is there something you wished I asked, and if so, what as well as the answer.

Q: How did you find out about the contest?

A: Through a Google search for contests! I was actually looking for Fic Central’s website for the info, but it lead me to the site.

Thanks!! I will be turning this in.  Please see the next page for the Questionnaire for the Character!


Name of Character:  Edward Hightopp

Story he is in: Through the Crepuscular Glass

Is (s)he an original Character or a series known? Hmm…. Original? He’s a combination of Twilight’s Edward Cullen with Tim Burton’s Tarrant Hightopp from Alice in Wonderland.

Are they in character or Out of Character? Definitely OOC since I truly did make a combination out of both characters. Edward Hightopp is a mad hatter, but he’s only madly in love.

Nickname(s): Hatter and Hightopp

Date of Birth: June 19, 1871

Occupation: Hatter

Stats (Aka Height, hair colour, eye colour, and so on): He’s six feet tall, has copper-coloured hair, vibrant green eyes and a chiselled face.

Significant other(s): Alice Brandon

Best Friend(s): March Hare and Mallymkun the dormouse

Enemies(s): Riley Stayn

Any noticeable Scars, Tattoos, or other markings: Not really, except for the fact that his hair truly is wild.

If they could have a Theme Song, which would it be? All Time Low’s “Painting Flowers.” That song truly depicts Edward’s devotion for Alice.

What is their favourite Movie? Georges Méliès’ Cinderella.

What is something that the fans don’t know about your character? Oh, my god, this is a tough question since Edward Hightopp is well-known for his personality, but, if I had to pick just one thing, it would be that he’s a very loving person. Many know that he’s passionate, yet when it comes to the heart, he cherishes his beloved in all extent of the word.


Thanks again eddiebell69 for writing in the contest 🙂

Contest Review for A Beauty for a Beast

a beauty for a beast

First Congrats on the Judges choice! 

Title: A Beauty for a Beast
By: TwiAddictAnne
Fandom: Book Verse TVD
Pairing: Elena/Damon
Summary: A curse turned him into a beast and he was looking for a Beauty who could help him break the spell. What he found was so much more. 


A Beauty for a Beast is very captivating but a tissue warning is in place!

If you’ve enjoyed Beauty and the Beast as a child you’ll definitely love this story! It’s a Vampire Diaries story with a very interesting and well played out twist!

As Damon reveals his secret she has one of her own…


I couldn’t stop once I’ve started reading. Poor John has to give up his youngest child to a beast of a man just for a wrong turn he took. Damon is a vicious man at the beginning and comes off as an asshole but as you get more into the story and of his past you’ll see why he’s the way he is! Witches, vampires, what else is to come???

Naive Elena jumps to the opportunity to help her dad and braves the mansion…but what she finds, her experiences, and what comes of it will shock you!


This story will keep you wanting more at the same time wanting you to reach in and hold Damon!

I highly recommend this story!!!

Review for Roaming Love Of Endless Time by petersgirl

Roaming Love Of Endless Time


Name of Story: Roaming Love Of Endless Time
Fandom: Twilight
Author: Petersgirl2011
Rating (If Applicable): M
Pairing: Emmett/Bella

Description (Authors):  Bella and Emmett want to disappear; they were cheated on. A Shaman helps for a favor in return. Bella doesn’t believe until they step out in the Wild West. The roaring 20’s with Flappers and Gangsters. They face prohibition in the 30’s and boot leg in the mountains. War or peace of the 60’s, poodle skirts and rock and roll. Disco 70’s with big hair 80’s. They only have each other.


I am in love with some of Petergirls2011 story and this one is no exception. My Journey was the first story of hers I read and it kept me enthralled in each chapter and this one is no exception, even if it may be only two chapters so far and yet, it inspired me to make the beautiful banner above as a gift for her!

It starts off with a betrayal, of Rosalie and Edward bumping uglies which leads to Emmett and Bella’s current predicament of being shoved back in time by a Shaman that helped Bella. I suggest you head on over and give her some love!

We landed with a hard thud in the dirt. It hurt my ass and didn’t affect Emmett at all. There was nothing around but land as far as you could see.

“Where are we?”

“I don’t know Bella. But Dorothy we aren’t in Kansas anymore.”

Emmett held out his hand to help me up from the ground. We started walking to find something to tell us where we were at.

“Do you believe now Bella?”

“There has to be a reasonable explanation. Time travel isn’t possible.”

“Neither are vampires and werewolves huh?”

Review for Redemption by Gyllene

I’m on time!  I have been trying to deal with a lot of stuff, and am so proud I managed to get this one out.

this is one of those stories, that once I started to read, I had to finish.  Though I fully admit to whining to the writer on it.


Name of Story: Redemption

Fandom: SVM/TB

Author: Gyllene


Rating (If Applicable): M

Pairing: Eric/Sookie

Description (Authors):  After the fairy war in the Southern Vampire Mysteries Sookie is unable to use her shields to block the thoughts of her friends that are trying to take care of her.  Eric hasn’t told Sookie where he was and why he didn’t save her.

Sookie decides to she needs to get away from everyone’s thoughts and Eric while she heals.  She leaves during the day to get as far away from Louisiana as she can before sunset.

Felipe DeCastro wants Sookie to come and read his employees and demands Eric to deliver her to him only Eric cannot.  He doesn’t know where she is.  He cannot feel her anymore in the bond.  All he knows is she’s still alive.

What will happen to Sookie and Eric?  Will they reunite? Continue reading Review for Redemption by Gyllene