Twilight Author Interview: Laurie Whitlock


So this week we are interviewing Laurie Whitlock for our Twilight Author in stead of doing a story review! So here you go all!


So we are going to start out with some basic information for all of you.

Can you please tell the people reading this your name?
My name is Laurie

Where do you like to post, and can you give us the site of your preferred medium?
I post mostly on and here is my link:

What do you prefer, Tea or Coffee?
Tea, tea is life for me.

What is your favorite beverage of choice?  And if alcoholic and mixed, what are the ingredients?  
Love pop and my favorite alcoholic drink is rum and coke. It’s simple to make, fill a glass with coke (or Pepsi) and as much rum as you want; yes, I’m a pirate 😉

What is your funny story about trying something to drink and it rocked your boat and/or sucked?
The first time I tried whiskey, I drink it straight; nothing added, and damn that shit burned all the way down.

What foods do you love?
 I love all kinds of food, pizza, cheeseburgers, lasagna, and steak just to name a few.

What is your go to food for comfort?
Ice cream

What do you like to snack when writing?
Chocolate or chips

Is there a scent that says home to you?  
I love the smell of fresh cut grass, rain and lilac

Is there a scent you wish you never smelled ever?
Well 2 smells I don’t like is tar when it’s being laid and skunk.

If you could visit a place, anywhere, where would it be?
England, Ireland, Scotland and Wizarding World of Harry Potter

If you could go at any point in time, which would it be?
Victorian England

What music do you like?  

Is there a genre or song you hate?
Justin Beiber

Tell us something about yourself that you think your fans would love to know about: 
For this, I figured that I ask some of my readers what they want to know about me and answer it this question that way.

From:  Shannon Mitchell Wilson, Congrats! I guess would ask, why Garrett? Jasper is pretty typical for non-canon writers, why is Garrett so interesting to you?

Answer:  Well when the promo pics for Breaking Dawn part 2 came out and I saw the pic of Garrett,  I was so captured by him. He was so handsome and his eyes just held this look that he had so many stories to tell and I fell in love with him. When I wrote my first Garrett/Bella story “The Rebel Soldier and His Little Lady” , I was originally going to do Jasper/Bella which is what I was known for doing at the time but I said, “what would paring another man with Bella be like” so I picked Garrett and just started to write. That story has been my most popular to date.

From:  Bexie Twenty-Five Fanfiction Would you ever write an Alistair/Bella? And would you ever write a three-mating?

Answer:  Actually, I do have part of a story started with Alistair/Bella; I just got to get back to writing it. I might do a three way mating one day, I think it would have to be Bella, Jasper and Garrett as my pairing (probably doesn’t surprise you LOL) I would just need to find the right story line to do it with.

That gives us some basic information. Now, about the writing –   I know you’re excited…

Why did you start writing?
I was reading a fan fic, said to myself, “Hey! I can do this” and just started to write again; first started when I was younger, and I haven’t looked back since.

What do you enjoy the most about it?
The escape, I can hop into another world and just get lost. It also helps when I’m emotional and want to get something off my chest.

What do you like least about it?
Writer’s Block

That first time hitting publish, how did you feel?
 Scared, nervous, excited, happy. Anywhere and everywhere, it could be a dream, a song, a pic, a movie, something that happened to me; for example when I want to make my readers cry, I just think of how I felt when my mom and gran died and just write my feelings.

What is your writing area like do you use computer or paper, or both?  Or another medium?
I use both; I’ll start a story on paper and then continue it on the computer.

Do you use an outline, rough draft or just write?
 Sometimes I just write and other times I’ll have a outline of what I want to include in certain chapters.

What do you do while you’re writing (listen to music, TV in the background, etc.)?
Music , TV or a movie is usually playing in the background.

What annoys you the most when you are trying to write?
 People bugging me, that drives me mad.

If you have finished a fic, what was your feeling on it?
When I hit complete on my first fan fic I was surprised that I was able to write a story first and for most , my second thought was ,”on to the next story” there was a time before the writer’s block took hold where my brain was full of ideas.

What are your favorite fandoms to write?
Twilight is one of my favorites but also Harry Potter. I have written for a lot of other fandoms that I’m in but those two have the most stories; well actually Twi has more than Harry.

Who are your favorite characters to write?
Twilight: Jasper/Bella, Garrett/Bella and Peter/Bella.
Harry Potter: Harry/Hermione, Draco/Hermione, Cedric/Hermione, Barty Crouch Jr. (for a list of my other pairing, you can see them on my bio page on

I personally think that Jasper and Bella works better together then Edward and Bella (don’t hate me.) Bella is easy for me to write because I sometimes can connect with her. As for the Harry Potter pairings, I love writing Hermione as well, she is awesome like Bella and I can connect with her. I love Harry, Draco and Cedric and enjoy writing them. As for Barty, well he is a whole other story; one that I’m not sure we have time for LOL

Who are your least favorite characters to write?

Because I just can’t write him, no matter how hard I try, he doesn’t want to be written by me. I suspect that it’s his 17 year old self being a brat.

What is your favorite scene or story you have written and why?
 I guess any time that I write a wedding. I love writing about weddings, getting to pick every little detail and explain it all and from what I’ve read from my readers, they seem to love the weddings as well.

What is the most difficult story or scene you have written, and why?
I think the most difficult at times for me to write is lemons. Those can be nasty buggers to deal with.

Do you see any characteristics in the characters you write?
Any characteristics of myself? Yeah, sometimes I do.

Which ones and whom?
It’s usually original characters where I come in to play; which is always fun.

What do you like most about your preferred fandom?
For any fandom that I write in, if the different places I can take a story. I can go from 1800s Texas to 1950s Forks. It’s really great taking these characters and seeing what I can do with them.

How would you describe your fics?
Romantic, dark, cute, fluffy

What story would you recommend of your own for a new fan to start first?
“The Rebel Soldier and His Little Lady” because that is my most popular one to date (Garrett/Bella) or “A Thousand Years” which is one that you’ll need to bring tissue with you when you go to read it. (Jasper/Bella)

 Now the HARD questions:

If you could offer a suggestion to someone who is thinking of publishing their first story, what would it be?
Take the risk, just jump right in. You’ll never know if you are going to sink or swim till you at least try.  Your story might not be everyone’s favorite but there will be someone who connects with your story for some reason, so put it out there.

If you could go back in time, and give yourself one word of advice, what would you say?  (No Lottery numbers or anything like that!!!)
Don’t give up, you’ll make it. You are stronger and tougher than you think.

What 5 stories would you recommend someone read?  Please list fandom, sites and name with pairing.

Oh wow, only 5? Damn, this is going to be hard because there are SO many great fics out there that I love to read. Alright, here goes

  1. Twilight, “Leaves of Grass” by Nauticalmass Jasper/Bella and here is a link to the story: (actually you know what, go and read all of her stuff, she is a fantastic writer)
  2. Twilight, “Life Just Happens, So Roll With It” by mama4dukes It’s also Jasper/Bella and here is a link to her story:
  3. Twilight, “The Lists” by shirleypositive72 (who, because she loves me is writing me a Barty Crouch Jr (Harry Potter) story, so if you love HP go and check that one out as well) It’s Jasper/Bella and here is the link to her story:
  4. Twilight, “Bourbon and Tea” by Zigster It’s Jasper/Bella and here is a link to her story:
  5. Twilight, “Longing” by JoyfulyetHesitantPen It’s also Jasper/Bella (big surprise right? LOL) and here is a link to her story:
  6. (Because I’m a rebel *winks*) Twilight, “The Depths of Darkness” by myagrace (Edward/Bella… I know shocker right?) and here is the link to her story: (Yes I’m a beta for this story and I just love my friend’s stories. I think you should check them all out because they are really good)

Is there something you wished I asked, and if so, what as well as the answer. 

Hmm, what do I wish you asked me? I guess “List your top 5 favorite male celebrities that you are crushing hard on right at this moment” and my answer is, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hiddleston, Aidan Turner, Joe Manganiello and David Tennant.

Thanks!! I will be turning this in.  Please see the next page for the Questionnaire for the Character!


Name of Character:  Garrett

Story he is in: The Rebel Soldier and His Little Lady

Is (s)he an original Character or a series known?  Series known

Are they in character or Out of Character?  Out of character

Nickname(s):  Gar

Date of Birth:  Mid—1700s

Occupation:  Revolution Soldier

Stats (Aka Height, hair color, eye color, and so on):
: Sandy blond,
Eyes: Red,
Height: 6’2”

Significant other(s):  Bella Swan

Best Friend(s):  Victoria

Enemies(s):  Anyone that wants to do his mate harm.

Any noticeable Scars, Tattoos, or other markings:  No

If they could have a Theme Song, which would it be?  The Kill (Bury Me) by 30 Seconds To Mars

What is their favorite Movie?  Star Trek

What is something that the fans don’t know about your character?
He’s portrays himself as this strong, soldier who’s not afraid of anything and he will rip you to pieces if you try to hurt his mate but on the inside he’s a big cuddle bear.

Thanks for taking time to answer the questions Laurie!

Interview: Gyllene Fanfiction

Ok.. I thought I already did all this, but I may have been remembering the previous site.  It explains how it didn’t go out.  Oops!  My fault!!!

But here we go, a new Writer!!   Let’s meet Gyllene!


So we are going to start out with some basic information for all of you.

Can you please tell the people reading this your name? Gyllene

Where do you like to post, and can you give us the site of your preferred medium? I post on AO3, FictionPad,, TWCS, and WordPress. I prefer my website:

What do you prefer, Tea or Coffee? Coffee. It has so much French Vanilla creamer in it I’m not sure you can call it coffee though.

What is your favorite beverage of choice? And if alcoholic and mixed, what are the ingredients? Cherry Pepsi

What is your funny story about trying something to drink and it rocked your boat and/or sucked? I like sweet drinks. Always have. So I’ve never been a girl that can do shots because I’ve always been around guys when doing them and they want Tequila or something else that’s gross to me. I went out with a bunch of moms when my youngest was in kindergarten and they introduced me to Butter Nipples. Yum. I drank too much and had my first hangover after going out with a bunch of kindergarten moms who are now some of my dearest friends.

What foods do you love? Italian and Mexican. Love my pasta, chicken fajitas, chips and salsa with guacamole.

What is your go to food for comfort? Brownies

What do you like to snack when writing? Popcorn

Is there a scent that says home to you? Lavender

Is there a scent you wish you never smelled ever? Plenty. I get headaches easily. Many scents give me instant headaches.

If you could visit a place, anywhere, where would it be? Australia or Sweden

If you could go at any point in time, which would it be? I’d like to go back and visit so many times. If I could I’d set the time machine to every 50 years so I could explore and see all the changes.

What music do you like? All kinds.

Is there a genre or song you hate? No. Some days I might not want to listen to Heavy Metal or Rap but the next day I might. I listen to everything.

Tell us something about yourself that you think your fans would love to know about:  I’m OCD about numbers. I hate odd numbers. I can’t have the TV or the radio on a number that’s odd even if it’s the perfect volume.


Now, about the writing –   I know you’re excited…

Why did you start writing? I started writing when I saw that neither Charlaine Harris nor HBO were going to give Eric and Sookie the happy ever after that I wanted.

What do you enjoy the most about it? Giving the characters that I love a different life than what they had in a book or on television and the endless possibilities.

What do you like least about it? When my muse takes a vacation and I’m stuck on the chapter I’m trying to write.

That first time hitting publish, how did you feel? Nervous but excited that my idea was out there for everyone to read.

Where do you get your inspiration? Reading books and music mostly. I read a sweet book about a mom who gets divorced and has a teenage son. She meets the man of her dreams and he was a great stepfather. I wanted him to be the boy’s real father. With that came the idea for Redemption. I wanted Sookie and Eric to have a child together.

What is your writing area like do you use computer or paper, or both? Or another medium? Mostly the computer. I have a notebook that I carry around for when an idea hits me for a chapter. They always seem to come to me in the car.

Do you use an outline, rough draft or just write? Just write mostly. When I have an outline, I try so hard to get everything in that I’ve outlined and my muse laughs at me and takes me a completely different direction. Now I write down my ideas and try to get a small outline for the next chapter or two as I write.

What do you do while you’re writing (listen to music, TV in the background, etc.)? I have a certain candle that I always light. Normally my family is in the background with music and TV’s.

What annoys you the most when you are trying to write? Interruptions. Mostly it’s my dog Max, who wants to go to the bathroom or that he thinks I should be done and wants to snuggle in bed not in the computer chair.

If you have finished a fic, what was your feeling on it? Finishing is both a sad and happy affair. You’re proud to be done with your story and normally I’m ready to start a new one, but it’s sad to let to finish and let go of the characters that you’ve spent so much time on.

What are your favorite fandoms to write? True Blood and Southern Vampire Mysteries.

Who are your favorite characters to write? Eric

Why? I love trying to get into the mind of a thousand year old vampire. He fascinates me. I was scared the first time I did his point of view but I’ve found I love it.

Who are your least favorite characters to write? All characters but Eric and Sookie.

Why? I don’t feel as connected to them as I do with Eric and Sookie.

What is your favorite scene or story you have written and why? Lover’s Amnesia. It’s an alternate universe, I get to make everything up, and Eric is the sweetest man ever in it.

What is the most difficult story or scene you have written, and why? In From the Rooftop to Love Sookie is dying and it was the first time I wrote in Eric’s point of view or the scene I’m currently writing where Sookie is getting her telepathy tested my Queen Sophie Ann.

Do you see any characteristics in the characters you write? Yes.

Which ones and whom? I think the romantic part of me comes out in my characters and maybe a little bit of my sailor mouth.

What do you like most about your preferred fandom? The writers, fans, and the support.

How would you describe your fics? Romance. No angst (Not in my stories but my one-shots are turning out to be angsty).

What story would you recommend of your own for a new fan to start first? That’s a hard one. I’d have to say Lover’s Amnesia. It’s my baby.

Now the HARD questions:

If you could offer a suggestion to someone who is thinking of publishing their first story, what would it be? Do it. Do it for yourself. Don’t care about how many reviews you get or how many followers you get. Do it for yourself.

If you could go back in time, and give yourself one word of advice, what would you say? (No Lottery numbers or anything like that!!!) Believe it yourself.

What 5 stories would you recommend someone read? Please list fandom, sites and name with pairing. This is hard because I love so many stories.

The whole multi-verse of EricIzMine. Start with Bored to Death and read everything she wrote.

Back and Forth by California Kat and all of her work.

All In by kjwrit and again read everything of hers.

A Marriage of Inconvenience by Queen of Area Five. Read of her stories too.

Can’t Stop This Thing We Started by Brainmates Fanficiton. Readall the stories by MakesMyHeadSpin and Scribeninja.

Is there something you wished I asked, and if so, what as well as the answer. I think that about covers it all.


Name of Character: Charlie Davidson

Story he is in: Lover’s Amnesia

Is (s)he an original Character or a series known? Original character

Are they in character or Out of Character? n/a

Nickname(s): No nicknames.

Date of Birth: August 28, 1969

Occupation:  Eric and Sookie’s day man

Stats (Aka Height, hair color, eye color, and so on):  5’6 brown hair, brown eyes. Quirky eyebrow. Body of a slob.

Significant other(s): n/a

Best Friend(s): n/a

Enemies(s): Anyone who’s Eric and Sookie’s enemy.

Any noticeable Scars, Tattoos, or other markings: Scar from his gallbladder being removed.

If they could have a Theme Song, which would it be? The Pick of Destiny

What is their favorite Movie? All Marvel movies.

What is something that the fans don’t know about your character? He’s a closet video game addict.

Thanks Gyllene!!!  Coming up in the following weeks,  you will get to see my reviews of her excellent stories.  I am excited, and I cannot wait to introduce you to her stories.  I remember reading her and being blown away.

See ya next week!


Avengers Story Review: If die, only in Manhattan by niewypowiedziane

If i die, only in manhatte niewypowiedziane


If die, only in Manhattan  by niewypowiedziane

I decided you know break out from Twilight a bit and give some reviews for other fandoms. Last Thursday Falling did a Star Trek fic this time I am going to give you Avengers. Now it may seem its all slash and well it is…. It seems. I’ll try next week to do an M/F pairing for you all.

If die, only in Manhattan comes in different sections, pretty much so far its seven plus stories in one big story. And it is, one big story I mean. It is of course a sick!Tony slash Secret Identity!Tony and well it is AMAZING!

niewypowiedziane takes you on a journey with Tony and she writes him well, amazingly well. It starts out of course in Iron Man 1 and takes you from there, I won’t spoil it all for you but Tony comes back from Afghanistan and finds out he is sick, incurable sick.

He of course joins the avengers and soon becomes attached to them all, mainly their certain patriotic captain.

It is truly an emotional story that takes you for a ride, begging for more.

Review for Fly me to the Moon & Other stories by Meridian

This is the last one.  All these are short, and so I only thought it was fair to do them all at once.

Name of Story: Fly Me To The Moon

Fandom: TB/SVM

Author: Meridian


Rating (If Applicable): M

Pairing: Eric/Sookie

Description (Authors): A short one-shot for Gyllene in response to the fuckery that was True Blood S7, E2 with this picture as prompt:



*****Spoilers Below for the TB Episode 7-02. Read at your discretion!*****

Gyllene (and the rest of us) were upset with the ending of Episode 2. So she asked for something to help.

Meridian answered her plea with the one shot that is this Review.

This is her version of what the picture could represent, and let me tell you, for a short one shot, it is filled with emotions, and you go through the gauntlet with her. It ends on a very happy note, on a Pam line…

Can’t tell you much more than that, or I will ruin the surprise. Go read it, and be thankful there are writers fixing the mess.

Also… Because this was soo short, I am giving you a fourfer.



Name of Story: True Suck


Rating (If Applicable): M

Pairing: Eric/Sookie

Description (Authors): A/N: I was just chatting with some friends, and well, here.


While this very short one shot is a treat, what is even better is the comments below where she invited others to add their endings. Some commented on the fic, but others took up her challenge. And there is one idea in there that is up for someone to make their own story on it. Go read if you need a laugh!

to-dream-again-banner-1Name of Story: To Dream Again

Fandom: TB/SVM/Twilight/Vampire Diaries


Rating (If Applicable): M

Pairing: not known. But we Have Damon, Eric, Carlisle and Godric all competing for an OC…..

Description (Authors): ~~~~~CURRENTLY ON INDEFINITE HOLD~~~~~

Yeah, my muse struck at like 9am this morning.  “That” became “this”:

Sara, human dreamer that she is, is CEO of a research facility, TLC, whose sole purpose is to improve the lives of ALL breeds of vampires. Its founders are Eric Northman, Damon Salvatore, Carlisle Cullen…and Godric. (Other known characters appear in time.) Completely AU/non-canon, crossover. “M” to be safe.

The point of the research?  To create an inoculation to give to currently existing vampires to cure them of their breed-respective difficulties: deadly sun allergies, silver allergies, forced day death, inability to eat or digest beloved foods, forced inability to sleep, and anything else they longed to have cured. Godric himself wished to dream once again.

So, yeah, this story concerns ALL breeds/species of vampires, and will therefore include basically the entire contents of the vampire hottie-box:  Eric Northman, Damon Salvatore, Carlisle Cullen…and Godric.  Other well-known characters from True Blood, the SVM universe, Twilight Series, and Vampire Diaries may be making their own appearances.  Of course, my own created characters will be there as well.

I have no idea how far I’m going to be going with this story – that depends on how cooperative my  muses are, how my time goes with all the other stories I’ve been brewing, and how much of an interest this story might have.


This is a slow story that she gets into when the muse strikes, but damn… I wish it would strike more often!!!

There is not much I can tell you that is not in her description to begin with, except there is much hotness going on. C’mon.. Think!!! You have Carlisle Cullen, Damon Salvatore, Eric Northman, and GODRIC! She has admitted she has no idea who the OC will end up with. But damn, it won’t be a good ride.

As always, she captures you in the first couple of paragraphs, and you don’t mind how infrequent the chapters come, since you get the joy of rereading the previous ones again.

And the last one…..

Nobody can kill me. This comes with warnings BEFORE you read the review. You will laugh, and want to kill her at the same time for the imagery…. Warning has been issued…  Then look at the banner below and think again…


Name of Story: Slippy Slappy Seal Sex (Crack Fic)


Rating (If Applicable): M

Pairing: Who the hell cares?

Description (Authors): **A/N: TOTAL CRACK FIC ONE (now two)-SHOT!! I’m sorry, but I just had to…**


Ok… If you hang around my group, you know I hate any mention of the SSSS. Truly. It turns me off from writing lemons so I can gag.   And I swear, she did it to mess with me.

I will say, she won awards for this. Truly. It is a crack fic of the highest order, and man, I winced as I read it, but I read it. She eventually gives in the 3rd chapter and sends you relief. But hell. I still can’t get this fic out of my head.

I was part of the awards committee for the You Got Blood awards, and we all winced when this came up in a couple places.

But here is the strange thing. We all wince, but hell, she loads it up on all her sarcastic wit that we are subject to everyday….and….and…its freaking addicting!

Just remember I warned you. So no pointing fingers to me.

Last ones for Meridian.  Next up a new author!


18 Days Till Submissions will be accepted!

There are eighteen days until the submissions will be starting to be accepted! You CAN also send it in early when its done but we wont be posting it till July 30th!

This by no means you have to rush, you have until August the 10th to get submissions in.

Also there is an inspiration pictures on the PAGE as well as our TUMBLR account.

Also if you have any inquiries or just wanna say hello, email us at

Star Trek 2009 Story Review: My Own Interrupted Iowa by T’Pinto

 My Own Interrupted Iowa 

Name of Story: My Own Interrupted Iowa

Fandom: Star Trek: 2009 Author: T’Pinto
Rating (If Applicable): M

Pairing: J. Kirk, Spock
Description (Authors): Jim invites Spock home for an old fashioned Christmas in Iowa and soon realizes that his feelings for his First Officer have grown much deeper than the mere friendship he was trying to foster. Fun and Romance ensue. First Time fic. Slash. Some NC-17 cont.

Review: This story, there are many things I can say and all a positive. It draws you in, makes you want to read more and never stop. It has everything, Drama, Romance, so on so forth! I think, this has to be the first Star Trek I had read, on recommendation from a fri… well Ellie… and I haven’t looked back fromthat fandom, if at all it drew me in. It starts with Kirk stating he was going to be alone for the holidays one night, then it escalated for the fact of the whole shore leave to be a road trip on their last few days or week of leave. But Spock agrees to spend the holidays with Kirk when they find out he too would be alone and that’s where it starts. Soon they grow close, as they get to know one another and I can’t help but Awe, of course Spock is a little OCC but hell its amazing none the less.

Review for Valentine’s Night by Meridian

Here is the next review for Meridian.  After this there is one left, then we will be moving on to the next author.  If you are a TB/SVM writer and would like to be featured, let me know.

This was a treat to read as she wrote it and I am so thrilled we got her to continue it beyond the 2-shot she had originally planned for it.

Don’t forget the Twisted Fairy Tales contest!!

 Twisted Fairy Tales


Name of Story: Valentine’s Night

Fandom: TB/SVM

Author: Meridian


Rating (If Applicable): M

Pairing: Eric/Sookie

Description (Authors): So…what happens three years after Eric’s marital incarceration?  Read and see.

A two-, possibly three-chapter short story.  Anti-canon (read the A/N and expect elements from both TB and SVM), HEA GUARANTEED.

Let me know what you think!


This started out as a one shot, possible two like mentioned above. Then the fans told her what they thought about it, and it made this a fic she kept writing on.

*****Spoilers Below for the Ending of the SVM Books. Read at your discretions!*****

Continue reading Review for Valentine’s Night by Meridian