Category Archives: Twilight Round


Happy Easter Winners!!!!

Congrats to all those who have won and those that were nominated, thank you all to those who participated as well. But due to underwhelming nominations this year, I have decided it will be the last of the Non-Canon Awards Twilight Rounds.



Hey guys, just gonna give you some reminders.

Please add the Title by Penname and Link when you nominate, it just makes it easier for me to find it.

ANY story nominated in the categories over 1500 reviews will be placed in the Royal Fic award.

This includes if an author has any three stories over 1000 reviews they are not eligible in any other category.

If you’re nominating a banner please, please add a link that will work and I don’t have to sign up to the website to view. I’ve had two banners nominated that I cannot view 😦

If you don’t see your nominations it’s because they are in the wrong category, over 1500 reviews or the author belongs into the Royal Awards. OR a One Shot, as OS’s are only allowed in the One Shot category!

Thanks my lovelies!

Round Five Information!

Alright our fellow followers! This year is busy, very busy with all the contests and other awards that are running! But Round Five is close to starting!!

We have New Categories – CLICK HERE – AND we also have a new rule – CLICK HERE – thats been added.

This year we will be allowing TWCS links to the contest as everyone has been leaving Fanfiction, but we will still need their fanfiction account when you nominate their TWCS one.

We also have a category section for crossovers specifically this year!!!

Winners Announced!



So I am happy to announce that I just finished uploading the last of the winner banners! They are now up, there were a few close calls for some people in several categories, only missing out on a tied place by one!

Either way, they are now up and you can go see! Congrats everyone!


ALSO There will be a crossover round in a month or so, so email or comment what category you would love to see!