Review for Back and Forth by California Kat

Good Morning!!

Yep here is another fic for the awesome writer, California Kat!

We are going to visit the fic series that introduced me to her.  The Back and Forth Universe


Name of Story: Back and Forth, Part I of Back and Forth Universe

Fandom: TB

Author: California Kat


Rating (If Applicable): M

Pairing: Eric/Sookie

Description (Authors): 

When Sookie realizes that her feelings for both Bill and Eric might have  been caused just by their blood, she takes drastic steps that will change her life―and the lives of Eric and Bill―forever.

A/N:  This story picks up after the second to the last episode of Season 4.  In my story, Marnie is killed for good (and forever) when Bill shoots her, and there will be no Halloween resurrections.  Therefore, Marnie isn’t going to possess Lafayette―because she’s already toast.  Jesus grew on me, so he’s not going anywhere either, at least not for the moment.  [After all, Lafayette needs him some lovin’!]  I’m picking up after Bill has killed Marnie.  Sookie is looking at Eric and Bill, as the two vampires talk and plan what I assume to be the clean-up.  Her looking back and forth from one vampire to the other was the inspiration for the title of this story.  This is also my first FanFiction, so be gentle but honest in your comments, that is, if you care to grace me with them.  This story is long, and I’m more interested in psychology than action, but I hope to keep you entertained.


As she mentions this is her first fic.  And let me tell you, it blew me away when I was writing it.  She had alot of comments from me on her Fanfiction account, and I moved with her over to WordPress.

This takes place at the end of Season 4 and Marnie is finally dead.

Continue reading Review for Back and Forth by California Kat

Updated categories!

Okay, so some of you have spoken and this is what we have got.

Twilight Section 

– Vampire Diaries/Originals

– Harry Potter

– Marvel Universe

– Teen Wolf

– DC Universe

– Supernatural

– True Blood

– Lost Boys

– Sons of Anarchy

Harry Potter Section 

– Twilight

– True Blood

– Marvel Universe

– DC Universe

– Supernatural

Marvel Universe

– Avengers 

 – Twilight

– DC Universe (Green Lantern, Flash, Batman ect ect)

– True Blood

– Vampire Diaries/Originals

– Harry Potter

– X-Men –

– Avengers

– Deadpool

 – Twilight

– DC Universe (Green Lantern, Flash, Batman ect ect)

– True Blood

– Vampire Diaries/Originals

– Harry Potter

The Sci-Fi Realm 

Firefly Category

Star Trek Category

Star Wars Category

The TV Series Realm

Buffy Category

Castle Category

CSI Category

Sons of Anarchy

We need more, so send in some suggestions… This is of course on top of the usual round categories, best romance ect ect ect 

Crossover Round Categories so far…

Okay, so some of you have spoken and this is what we have got.

Twilight Section 

– Vampire Diaries/Originals

– Harry Potter

– Marvel Universe

– Teen Wolf

– DC Universe

– Supernatural

– True Blood

Harry Potter Section 

– Twilight

– True Blood

– Marvel Universe

– DC Universe

– Supernatural

We need more, so send in some suggestions… This is of course on top of the usual round categories, best romance ect ect ect 

CROSSOVER STORY REVIEW: From The Ashes Comes A New Beginning

From the Ashes comes a new beginning

Name of Story: From The Ashes Comes A New Beginning
Fandom: Vampire Diaries/Twilight
Author: BiteMyTongue 

Rating (If Applicable): T
Pairing:  Bella/Jeremy G.
Description (Authors): 

Things change after the Cullen’s leave Bella. She comes into a destiny that will change everything. Now she has to go on a journey to becoming a leader and finding love [Bella S. Jeremy G.]


Okay, so I am not the usual Crossover Reviewer but this amazing piece had to be shared! It is another by BiteMyTongue, and a Jeremy/Bella! Honestly, with only two chapters in it is amazing! And a plot that well *chuckles* I had seen little of and well it kinda is amazing that she and I had the same idea about her being the last dragons.

Go give it a read 😛 Trust me, it’s different and if you like the rest of her work, you’ll love this too!

Preview to CH 1

Bella gasped as the pain came again, she screamed as she fell to the ground on her knees. Her back arched as the pain coursed through her body setting her senses on fire. “PLEASE!” Bella Screamed in pain tears swelled in her eyes as the pain became too much for her to handle. She collapsed onto the forest floor below losing all consciousness.

“Isabella…” A mysterious voice said, “Open your eyes.”

Bella opened her eyes and looked around, she was in a large room that was lit with candles. There was a low hum of music playing in the background she didn’t understand where it could be coming from. She stood up and gasped back as she was in a white floor length dress with long lace sleeves her feet were left bare, and her hair was pinned up and decorated with flowers.

“Isabella.” The voice said again, Bella looked up to where the voice came from and saw a tall older looking man standing in front of her.

“Who… who are you?” Bella said looking around frantically, the thought of being kidnapped creeping into her mind, but she had to push back the panic. “Where am I?”

“My name is Theodore I was the leader of the last tribe of Dragons, before the Great War came between us and we killed each other. As to why you are here, you’re here because you’re special,” Theodore said he took a step forward being cautious not to startle Bella.

Bella instinctively took a step back and eyed the man before her. “What do you mean I’m special?”

“You’re different from the rest,” Theodore responded he stopped walking not wanting to scare her any further. “Let me start from the beginning, many years ago in my time I was the leader of the last living dragon clan. The spirits had given me the gift to transform. I was meant to be a leader to give Dragons their rightful title as rulers of the supernatural. The only problem was, I got too cocky I changed too many people in an attempt to increase the number of dragons in the world. I damned too many to this life and they began to go against me. In the end, everyone I had transformed had killed each other it was just me. I couldn’t handle the guilt so I killed myself I covered my blade in my own venom and drove it through my heart. It’s been centuries since the spirits have chosen me, in the last few years, the spirits have been watching you closely, and they’ve chosen you now. You’re meant to do what I couldn’t accomplish, keep the dragon name alive. Do you accept your fate Isabella, as the new ruler of the dragon species?”

Review for Funeral by California Kat

Good Morning!!

As some of you can guess, we are on a new author, California Kat.  This lady blows my mind all the time.  She is kind, and she helps out as she can.  So, you guys are going to have awhile with her.  I will try to scatter a few other reviews in here to break them up…

First up?  Funeral



Name of Story: Funeral

Fandom: TB

Author: California Kat


Rating (If Applicable): M

Pairing: Eric/Sookie

Description (Authors): 

Funeral is a True Bloodstory that picks up following Season 6, Episode 7. Nora has just died, and—at Bill’s request—Sookie has brought Warlow back to the human realm. Will the death that surrounds them cause Eric and Sookie to choose life—that “other” life they could have together?


This story is a True Blood fix it fic.  And sadly, we needed alot of them.

This one is centered around the events of Season 6 and Nora dying.

Continue reading Review for Funeral by California Kat

TB/SVM Interview: California Kat





I am about to start on this wonderful lady.  For me she just finished Tenterhooks.  And it reminded me how much I love her stories.  So I will be starting on her.  Luckily, she gave me an interview when I first started this journey.


Basic information.

Can you please tell the people reading this your name?

California Kat

Where do you like to post, and can you give us the site of your preferred medium?

I post on my WordPress site, on fictionpad, on, and on TWCS—since I’ve found that readers like to use one site over others. My favorite is my WordPress site—because I have more freedom in how things appear. (It’s

What do you prefer, Tea or Coffee?

Coffee—and a pot of it.

What is your favorite beverage of choice? And if alcoholic and mixed, what are the ingredients?

Some days it’s wine (red); other days it’s beer (Guinness Black Lager is my current favorite); other days it’s Dr. Pepper.

What is your funny story about trying something to drink and it rocked your boat and/or sucked?

I once went to a Halloween party and was given a vodka-Red Bull. I learned the true meaning of “projectile vomiting” soon after. I also broke out in hives. Come to find out, I’m allergic to something in Red Bull.

What foods do you love?

My mom’s tacos. Sushi. Teppanyaki.

What is your go to food for comfort?

A baked potato—with sour cream and butter.

What do you like to snack [on] when writing?

Mixed nuts, popcorn

Is there a scent that says home to you?


Is there a scent you wish you never smelled ever?

Black licorice, fennel

If you could visit a place, anywhere, where would it be?

Whitehaven Beach, Whitsunday Island, Australia

If you could go at any point in time, which would it be?

Honestly, I like “when” I am. What would I do without my laptop? My coffee maker? But—for a day only—I wouldn’t mind visiting the Roaring 20’s.

What music do you like?

Most, but my favorites are Classical & Rock-n-Roll (1990s and before)

Is there a genre or song you hate?

Metal—it gives me a headache (though it’s my husband’s favorite)

Tell us something about yourself that you think your fans would love to know about:

I’m a Shakespeare scholar. I have my doctorate degree in English literature, and I’m published in academic journals—though under a different name. 😉

Thanks. That gives us some basic information. Now, about the writing –   I know you’re excited…

Why did you start writing?

I’ve always written in my head. Sporadically, I have written things down one paper—mostly very poor poetry. As for fanfiction, I started writing after I read some wonderful fanfiction pieces. I kept thinking, “I wonder if I could do that.” So then I did. And I haven’t been able to stop since then.

What do you enjoy the most about it?

It is a huge stress reliever. Writing is my favorite pastime now. It helps me to relax after work. And—I gotta say that I love to share it. It makes me feel good to know that others enjoy it. And I’ve made wonderful friends through writing and posting fanfiction.

What do you like least about it?

Getting horrifying anonymous reviews on It’s off-putting to know that there are people out there who would say horrible things about me and the work I provide for free. When it turns personal, it is especially disconcerting.

That first time hitting publish, how did you feel?

Nervous as hell!

Where do you get your inspiration?

A mixture of things: the source material, of course; my life; my dreams.

What is your writing area like do you use computer or paper, or both? Or another medium?

I use a laptop. My writing area is my living room coffee table.

Do you use an outline, rough draft or just write?

I always write multiple drafts. Sometimes I use an outline; other times, I just write.

What do you do while you’re writing (listen to music, TV in the background, etc.)?

TV on mute—usually on sports of some kind (I’m a sports fanatic—with my personal favorites being tennis and NFL football) AND instrumental music on at a low volume.

What annoys you the most when you are trying to write?

The hubby when he walks in and asks, “Whatcha doing?”

If you have finished a fic, what was your feeling on it?

I’m always sad when I finish. In fact, when I’m almost done with a long piece, my inclination is to slow down. I think it’s preemptive separation anxiety. LOL!

What are your favorite fandoms to write?

So far, I’ve written only for True Blood and the South Vampire Mysteries.

Who are your favorite characters to write

Eric and Sookie


They have so much potential as a couple! I love exploring that potential. And—since they were screwed over by “their makers”—there’s a lot to work with!

Who are your least favorite characters to write?

The only character I really dislike writing is Quinn.


I generally “like” writing from the villain’s point of view, but Quinn is neither villain nor hero to me. He’s either boring to write or feels downright sleazy to pen. I try to get into my characters’ heads when I write them, but Quinn seems so flat that he’s difficult to write.

What is your favorite scene or story you have written and why?

My favorite scenes have been the graveside scenes in Funeral—when Sookie tells Eric that he can use Gran’s grave to bury Nora’s remains. I cannot pinpoint why those jump out at me. They just resonate, especially when Sookie gives Eric Godric’s shirt to bury there too.

What is the most difficult story or scene you have written, and why?

In Come Back to Me, there is a part where a fairy uses Sookie’s memories of Uncle Bartlett against her. The horror of the moment was hard for me to write. I can’t tell you how many times I had to stop because of tears—mostly because I kept on thinking about my mom, who is the survivor of rape.

Do you see any [of your own] characteristics in the characters you write?


Which ones and whom?

Eric is the character I empathize with the most. I spent a good deal of my life trying to stifle my own emotions, and I can sympathize with the difficulties of making yourself vulnerable.

What do you like most about your preferred fandom?

The readers! I’ve gotten to “know” so many wonderful people in the fandom. And many are so gracious with their time, always leaving thoughtful and thought-provoking comments behind.

How would you describe your fics?

Most are angsty. Also, I like to delve into my character’s heads, so they are “studies” about what motivates them as much as anything else. I also love an HEA.

What story would you recommend of your own for a new fan to start first? 

I think Funeral is my best to date. It’s not as long as some of my others (especially the trilogies). So that would give people an idea about how I write. Alternatively, my Gift Horse series has been well-received by fans.

Now the HARD questions:


If you could offer a suggestion to someone who is thinking of publishing their first story, what would it be?

Just do it. Try it. And try to ignore the “mean” reviews.

If you could go back in time, and give yourself one word of advice, what would you say? (No Lottery numbers or anything like that!!!)

I would tell myself not to date that “one guy” in college. J I thought I couldn’t do “better,” so I stayed with a guy that made me feel bad about myself for too long. But then I learned a huge truth: “I deserved to be valued and happy.”

What 5 stories would you recommend someone read? Please list fandom, sites and name with pairing.

In alphabetical order by title:

Is there something you wished I asked, and if so, what as well as the answer. 

Who would you most like to acknowledge for helping you with your work?

  • Sephrenia—for doing so much inspiring artwork for my work.
  • Kleannhouse—for always beta-ing the things I need feedback on.
  • cdb33—for being my sounding board when I was a fledgling.

Character Interview

Ancient Pythoness

Name of Character: The Ancient Pythoness / Britomart

Story she is in: Come Back to Me

Is (s)he an original Character or a series known? Though the Ancient Pythoness appeared in the Southern Vampire Mysteries, she was never fleshed out.

Are they in character or Out of Character? I think in character, though I played with her background a lot.

Nickname(s): The AP.

Date of Birth: circa 1400 B.C. in Faerie (though the time differences make it difficult to pin down). After having to flee from Faerie because she loved the fire fairy, Artegal, she came to the human realm, where she was an Oracle of Delphi before she was turned into a vampire. The date of her birth as a vampire is circa 650 B.C.

Occupation: Some call her a future teller. Some call her a prophetess.

Stats (Aka Height, hair color, eye color, and so on): About 5’3” feet tall, the AP has long, grey hair. Her eyes seem glassy.

Significant other(s): Artegal—though he’s, sadly, long dead.

Best Friend(s): Though their relationship has been kept a secret, she is close to her brother, Niall.

Enemies(s): Her greatest enemy was her maker—“was” being the significant word.

Any noticeable Scars, Tattoos, or other markings: none

If they could have a Theme Song, which would it be? “These Boots Are Made for Walking” by Nancy Sinatra

What is their favorite Movie? The Godfather, Part II

What is something that the fans don’t know about your character? The Ancient Pythoness is a great lover of mythology from a variety of cultures. When she was staying in the English countryside in the late 1500s, she heard of the writer, Edmund Spenser, who was working on an epic poem called The Faerie Queene. Intrigued, the AP arranged to speak with the author. Eventually, her stories about her romance with Artegal made their way into Spenser’s work. She even told him her real name—Britomart.

This is a huge fan favorite author I know, but Hopefully, there are some people who enjoy my glimpse into her worlds!

Thanks for reading!


Story Review: Bonded by Luciel89

Name of Story: Bonded

Fandom: Supernatural

Author:  Luciel89


Rating (If Applicable): M

Pairing: Castie/Dean W

Description (Authors): 

Demon/Angel College!AU: Dean is a demon who dislikes angels and Castiel is his new angel roommate at college. Dean finds himself fascinated with Castiel’s wings, much to his own annoyance, which only leads him into trouble. When they become accidentally mated to each other, things get complicated and feelings get hurt, but can it be the start of something good?




Okay, so I was a little skeptical at first when I began this story because I am not one of School or Uni fics and well Dean and Castiel in school? Young? No hunting? Well… But I took on the chance, a demon Dean was something I could not refuse and at first I thought it was the shows demons but no… These demons come with tails and wings of their own.

But when I first started to read it I was hooked, all skeptical thoughts gone and I read it in one night. It is truly a different story, a plot I haven’t seen all that much, if not ever in this fandom.

The whole story is a roller-coaster of emotions and it is Perfect with a capital P! I was even more excited when I saw there was a sequel and another sequel for the sequel! Go on, head over and take a look.

Chapter One tidbit

It was Dean’s first day at college, and he could already feel the butterflies in his stomach as he entered his dorm building for the first time. He had been working hard to get admitted into college, and he knew he shouldn’t blow up his chance no matter what. The toughest thing would be leaving his home and his parents and Sammy. He loved his family very much, but he felt like he was at the age where it would be better for all of them if he moved out and started his own life in college.

The college was a mixed college for humans, demons and angels. Dean wasn’t sure how he felt about that; he would have preferred a strictly demon-only college or at least a college without angels, but his mom had insisted that he stopped being so old-fashioned and racist like his father and picked this college. After all, this college was famous, had various educations, was well-perceived, and was everything Dean needed on an academic level, studying mechanics and technology. Of course, the college offered more than just those educations.

As he walked down the halls of the dormitory with his family, people were shouting and laughing all over the place as all the new students got settled into their rooms. There seemed to be more demons than angels at this college; something Dean felt rather relieved about. He just hoped he wouldn’t have to share his room with an angel.

“Now son, remember to behave yourself at this school. I don’t wanna hear any crap about you messing up this good opportunity for a good future,” John said as they finally entered Dean’s dorm room.

Dean rolled his eyes. “I know, dad. I won’t let you down.” John’s face softened somewhat at his son’s words, and he gave his son a pat on the shoulder.

Mary smiled at the two and stepped forward to hug Dean. “Oh sweetie, I hope you will be happy here.”

Dean hugged his mother back; closing his eyes and taking in the comforting scent of his beloved mom. “Yeah, thanks mom, I’ll be fine.”

Mary smiled at her son; her red tail entwining with Dean’s in a loving, motherly gesture before she stepped back to stand beside John. Dean looked down as Sam forced his way between their parents to say his goodbyes to Dean. He was 13 but still a squirt, but Dean knew he’d probably grow up to be taller than him some day – a thought which annoyed Dean to no end.

Review for Dying Heart by Mavrosal

This is the last of Mavrosal, unless she gets a lot of positive feedback and her muse is inspired by it.  *crosses fingers*


Name of Story: Dying Heart (Part two of the Dying Series)

Fandom: SVM

Author: Mavrosal


Rating (If Applicable): M

Pairing: Eric/Sookie

Description (Authors): 

Sookie is taking tentative steps towards a new life with the two vampires that hold her heart, but will she get the chance to enjoy it for long? Godric is haunted by his past, while Eric has to choose between his past and his future.

Warning: NC-17 Spoilers from Souther Vampire Mysteries books 1-3, as well as True Blood Seasons 1-3. Just a heads up! 🙂


I dived right in, and unfortunately RL interrupted this, but happily I finished it today.

As I mentioned in the last Review, that this takes place afterward the one shot.  Which I really love how she used that one to advance the story so much.

You learned that she is stepping further from that small town girl in this one.

Continue reading Review for Dying Heart by Mavrosal