Review for Ethereal Redemption by Midnight Opheliac

I started to read this, just having the urge.  It took me a couple of tries to find her (I forgot the c at the end of the name).

This author made the move to WordPress due to Fanfiction deleting her entire story with it’s 1000+ reviews.

Thankfully she had most of the chapters and with the help of 4Padfoot, she made a site to keep them ready for her.

 Name of Story: Ethereal Redemption

Fandom: TB

Author: Midnight Opheliac


Rating (If Applicable): M

Pairing: Eric/Sookie; Godric/OC

Status: WIP

Description (Authors): 

Set at the end of season 4, Sookie chooses Eric over Bill but with Russell Edgington free from his concrete grave they’re going to need all the help they can get, and that help just so happens to be in Sin City. Godric didn’t meet the sun in season 2 and his human life starts to catch up with him, introducing someone who can help Sookie understand who and what she is.

Rating: 18+ (language, violence and sexual content)


This story starts out with what should have happened with the whole travesty of Season 4 ending.

And by doing so, opens you up to a whole new world, where Gods and Goddesses are active, the AP makes an appearance and you get a cast of people that are absolutely amazing.

All done to the backdrop of Las Vegas, with Caesar’s Palace being our hotel of choice.

You will get to have Elvis sightings, as well as learning a past that is an option for Godric, and how Sookie talked him off the roof that morning.

It further lets you know where Godric was when Eric was dealing with Russell.  And you unearth a lot of mystery and answers in this one.

Excerpt from Chapter 1:

I couldn’t help but glance around the cream coloured room I was sat in, taking in all the changes, reflecting upon the days when this room was dark and empty, bleak and drafty. I guess being the Vampire King of Louisiana means your house gets a free upgrade. Speaking of my former lover, I flinched as his fangs sank further into my left wrist; his pulls were actually starting to become somewhat painful and I was finding it hard to focus.

On the other side sat the only remaining Louisiana Sheriff, also a former lover. The awkwardness of the situation was almost palpable.

His fangs were buried in my right wrist however his pulls were gentle, almost affectionate as he ran his fingers over the skin of my arm. Of course he can feel the slight pain I’m in thanks to the bond, that’s gonna take some getting use to. At least he’s attempting to soothe me, like he did when he fang-raped me that time with Russell at Fangtasia before he… I stopped my mental thought process there, willing myself to shut off the memory. I could have lost him then to the sun, and I nearly lost him this evening to fire.

“Okay I think that’s enough.” I demanded quietly, already feeling the lightheadedness approaching. Eric was first to stop, mid-pull and all, and made quick work of healing the puncture wounds. Bill on the other hand took two more greedy mouthfuls before seeming to reluctantly let me go, following suite by healing the marks on my wrist that he’d created.

This starts us off, and soon it all deviates from the show.  And from there we get set on a ride that will turn the entire TB world on it’s side.

I will mention as a hint, that if you know anything about Egypt’s history and myth’s, you might be able to be a half a step ahead of the rest of us.

I say might since the author does a WONDERFUL job of teaching you all you need to know, using pictures often to help us understand what is going on.

I will say her choice of Felipe was inspired.

All in all, I am enjoying this, but will warn you, there are some points in the story that may be a trigger warning.  She is so far (and if I remember correctly) she does it throughout when there are times that she touches on these issues.

While this is not finished, don’t worry!!!! All the drama is done, and we are on the Happily Ever Afters.  You won’t have to wait as I did for each chapter, chewing my nails to the quick.

She did lose the end of the story, and had to rewrite it, but I am hoping that you guys will leave some lovely reviews to inspire her to finish this.

I kinda want to see what else she has up that sleeve for us to read!!!

Kittyinaz Signature

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