Twilight Interview: TheDarkestFallingStar

Hello! SO Ellie has already done the Slash Twilight section! Now I will do the Non-Canon pairings, well I’m going to follow the well what I think as the Introductions of the Admins.


So we are going to start out with some basic information for all of you.

Can you please tell the people reading this your name?

Falling Stars

Where do you like to post, and can you give us the site of your preferred medium?

Fanfiction is where I normally Post..

What do you prefer, Tea or Coffee?

Tea, of course. *bleh* coffee

What is your favorite beverage of choice?  And if alcoholic and mixed, what are the ingredients?

Redbull, haha… Or well, I like sex on the beach for alcoholic, or beer, or yeah beer.

What is your funny story about trying something to drink and it rocked your boat and/or sucked?

The shot Wet Pussy *shudder* that is something I NEVER EVER want to try again… And FireTrucks, red lemonade and vodka, I had five of them when I was sitting down because I felt NOTHING then I stood up to move and BAM everything was a mass of swirls and swaying ships.

What foods do you love?

Steak… I love steak… and Satay Chicken… And Pies… Food in general…

What is your go to food for comfort?

Pizza? What ever I fancy at the time, I go through several ‘food moods’.

What do you like to snack when writing?

Snack would have to be Twixx, Twixx with Coke.

Is there a scent that says home to you?

Vanilla, and burning candles… That is my rooms smell, that makes me feel home as well as the smell of Rainforest, that’s relaxing.

Is there a scent you wish you never smelled ever?

There is no word for the scent *shudder*

If you could visit a place, anywhere, where would it be?

America, Bahamas… Europe… you know the usual…

If you could go at any point in time, which would it be?

*Groans* I don’t know… America first… for the food and to see friends…

What music do you like?

Country and Blues…

Is there a genre or song you hate?

Techno… Pop… House… the new age R&B…

Tell us something about yourself that you think your fans would love to know about:

There isn’t much to tell… I am little know but hey… I am a photographer, graphic designer and a builder… I crochet and am a total gamer… I game all the time I have free between RL and writing…


  1. That gives us some basic information.  Now, about the writing –   I know you’re excited…

Why did you start writing?

I’d say Ellie but that is a lie… I think it was Twilight, I wanted to read something different and came across FF… I wrote under Darkened-Sun then and all my old work is still up *scrunches nose*.

What do you enjoy the most about it?

The creativity, the people who reply, so my very little fan base who help me through the writers block…

What do you like least about it?

The writer’s block and flamers…. Flames suck…

That first time hitting publish, how did you feel?

Back then, not much… Excited I guesss… now? Nervous… Very nervous… Will they like it? Will they hate it? So on so forth.

Where do you get your inspiration?

Driving… I drive a lot and little instances or things I see breed the plot bunnies in my head or songs, if I like a certain song it spurns on… Or movies, movies take a lot as well..

What is your writing area like do you use computer or paper, or both?  Or another medium?

Computer, I use the computer or when I am not near one I have my book I write it… For my original work I have a book dedicated just for that…

Do you use an outline, rough draft or just write?

I just write, I have a Plan A and B and the middle of them I write and write till it gets to B… I don’t really think about much when I write, my fingers do all the talking LOL

What do you do while you’re writing (listen to music, TV in the background, etc.)?

For certain stories I would listen to music, classical or I would have the movie that inspired it in the background on repeat till the story is done…

What annoys you the most when you are trying to write?

Interruptions, it seems whenever I try to write people ring or barge in or want something done…

If you have finished a fic, what was your feeling on it?

Under TheDarkestFallingStars I haven’t, they were pulled before I could… Under Darkened-Sun, I did and I hate them now LOL the writing is just terrible… Did I really write that bad?

What are your favorite fandoms to write?

Twilight… Sherlock… Leverage… *Thanks Els*… Twi/TVD… TWI/TB… Avengers…

Who are your favorite characters to write

Peter/Bella… Bella/Jasper… Bella/Damon… Bella/Elliot


Why? I just think that they are better than *gasp* Edward… I personally like them I guess… more mystery for Peter…

Who are your least favorite characters to write?

Edward… Alice… Jake… Nessie…


Many reasons… Edward and Alice are controlling to me… I hate how they were written in the books…. Jake and Nessie weren’t my biggest fans either…

What is your favorite scene or story you have written and why?

Hum… I am not to sure… I guess I can go with my original or should I go with Rehaa and Joramine… No I will go with The Elevator Ride… The scene with Edward/Jasper in the Elevator *cough and fans face*

What is the most difficult story or scene you have written, and why?

Hmm, I am defaulting to my original here… I would have to say the interaction of the main character with the other characters… as well as writing military related things…

Do you see any characteristics in the characters you write?

Of my own? Yes, some…

Which ones and whom?

I guess the way I talk and think is written in the way I write how any of my characters talk and think… Sighing a lot, it’s a habit and I tend to use it as if it’s a normal thing to do so consistently.

What do you like most about your preferred fandom?

There is many, Twilight would have to be the flexibility of the characters I use… The shark from Eric in TB and Damon in TVD…

How would you describe your fics?

I have honestly no clue… boring? Entertaining… I honestly cant describe them…

What story would you recommend of your own for a new fan to start first?

The only one I have up on FF is Rehaa and Joramine… the Prequel to WhiteWolfLegends Vadhera that she had handed to me to write… (not the prequel but Vadhera.)



Now the HARD questions:

If you could offer a suggestion to someone who is thinking of publishing their first story, what would it be?

Do it, do it for yourself and not what others think… If they like it, great! If they don’t, so what? If you like it that’s all that matters… Do it for yourself no one else.

If you could go back in time, and give yourself one word of advice, what would you say?  (No Lottery numbers or anything like that!!!)

Write better, here are some plots, start with these…

What 5 stories would you recommend someone read?  Please list fandom, sites and name with pairing.

Hit and Run by lifelesslyndsey – Alistair/Bella – Twilight –

Human Elemental by WhiteWolfLegend – Twi – Jasper/Bella –

Intensity by Mama4Dukes – Twi – Bella/Paul

MY UNHAPPY ENDING by sweetness4683 –Twi – Bella/Peter –

Knight in Silver Armor by Maddie-The-Muse – Twi – Paul/Bella –

Is there something you wished I asked, and if so, what as well as the answer.

Thanks!! I will be turning this in.  Please see the next page for the Questionnaire for the Character!




Name of Character: Peter

Story he is in: Rehaa and Joramine

Is (s)he an original Character or a series known? Peter from Twilight and the mix of Ellie’s Peter

Are they in character or Out of Character? Out of Character to a degree

Nickname(s): P’et’er…

Date of Birth: He is over 500 years of age on Vadhera.

Occupation: Prince, warrior.

Stats (Aka Height, hair color, eye color, and so on): 6’0, Brown hair, vibrant purple eyes, he had purple green tattoos running up his arms, chest, back and face.

Significant other(s): Isabella…

Best Friend(s): Renate…

Enemies(s): Aro…

Any noticeable Scars, Tattoos, or other markings: he has purple green tattoos running up his arms, chest, back and face.

If they could have a Theme Song, which would it be? Hmm… Unsure…

What is their favorite Movie? None on the planet….

What is something that the fans don’t know about your character?  There is but they will know more later on…

Crossover Interview: Bertie Bott

Following the example of some of my good friends here, I have indeed picked myself for my first interview. Really, it seems like the perfect way to introduce myself to you fine people and perhaps give you insight on how/why I pick certain authors/stories in the future. I’m sure my interview questions will change as I continue to learn through my new role here, and I encourage everyone to submit suggestions of authors and stories you’d like to hear about – keep in mind I’m in charge of crossovers and suggest accordingly! I pretty much read crossovers exclusively and I’m always up for pairing new fandoms/characters together – I love the challenge of writing them and the joy of reading a well-written one! So now… on to the main course!

Hi there, nice to meet you: Basic Information

Can you please tell the people reading this your name? Bertie Bott
Where do you like to post, and can you give us the site of your preferred medium? I post at, fictionpad (though don’t tell anyone, I’m behind!) and eventually I’d like to post at TWCS. Also, I have my own WordPress, which is definitely my preferred medium as I can literally do whatever I want there:
What do you prefer, Tea or Coffee? Coffee!!!! Soooo much coffee! I chase after two young kids during the day and couldn’t do it without my Cup ‘o Joe!
What is your favorite beverage of choice? And if alcoholic and mixed, what are the ingredients? I actually drink a lot of water, but if I’m feeling friskyI like to keep it simple with bourbon and coke.
What is your funny story about trying something to drink and it rocked your boat and/or sucked? When I turned 21, my first beverage was a Long Island Iced Tea – which is, of course, wicked strong. I would say it not only rocked my boat, but also my friend’s since I tend to be a very happy, talkative tipsy person.
What foods do you love? Love Chinese food, but also can’t go wrong with a good ‘ole meat and potatoes.
What is your go to food for comfort? Rolos (milk chocolate covered caramel)… I gravitate to them whenever I need a pick me up.
What do you like to snack when writing? I don’t typically snack while writing – I’m a distracted writer so I try not to give myself reasons to be even more distracted.
Is there a scent that says home to you? Lavender and vanilla… I tend to use it (sparingly) whenever I clean house in order to mask that sterile bleach-y smell.
Is there a scent you wish you never smelled ever? Skunk, or more specifically, roadkill skunk. I could definitely live without ever having smelt that.
If you could visit a place, anywhere, where would it be? Italy. I’m almost ¾ Italian and would love to visit Italy – the birthplace of the Renaissance!
If you could go at any point in time, which would it be? Probably the Renaissance, though more for witnessing the birth of such a vibrant changes in culture and art… I wouldn’t last long without modern conveniences though!
What music do you like? All types – seriously, my iPod is so eclectic. I have opera, musicals, rock, comedy, just everything!
Is there a genre or song you hate? I don’t really hate anything, but I don’t listen to as much country or rap as I do everything else.
Tell us something about yourself that you think your fans would love to know about: Ugh. No pressure! Well, I’m actually a published author. Nothing big, but I’ve had a few poems published in literary magazines and have a creative non-fiction essay that is due to be published in the summer. I majored in Creative Writing in college, so in the midst of fanfiction, I’m also pursuing my original fiction.
So what about the Good Stuff: The Writing
Why did you start writing? For the freedom. I’ve been writing creatively since the third grade when my brother was seriously ill, and it afforded me an escape. It made me feel better, stronger, to be in control of my own world.
What do you enjoy the most about it? I’m very fascinated by the rhythm of words and pairing unique adjectives with nouns. I like to make descriptions that are visceral and unique. Truly, I’ve always loved words and the power they lend you.
What do you like least about it? The time. I have a husband and two kids and never have enough time to write as much as I want. I take the time I can get, but I wish google or someone would create a device that would read my mind and type everything out for me.
That first time hitting publish, how did you feel? Elatedly terrified, lol. Most of us put sooo much of us in our work that it’s almost like we’re putting ourselves on public display. In particular with Thirsty for Your Love, I was nervous having never written a crossover before and with Set My Soul Alight I knew I was taking a big risk by merging two very different fandoms.
Where do you get your inspiration? Dreams more often than not, although I also feel inspired by reading other great authors. Obviously, I’m not stealing their ideas, but sometimes I’ll read a different pairing than I usually prefer and fall in love with it and think, hey – why don’t I give that a try too? Oddly enough, that’s how Thirsty for Your Love was born. I read Kittyinaz’s You’re All I’m Asking For and just fell in love with the pairing (Bella/Damon) to the point I knew I had to write something.
What is your writing area like do you use computer or paper, or both? Or another medium? I have an open office that faces into my living room so I can keep an eye on my kiddos. It used to be very cluttered, but I’ve recently cleaned it out and it was like cleaning out my head too. I tend to use the computer almost exclusively, except for when I’m out and about and have to jot down an idea or when I’m writing poetry. I tend to write my poems in a journal and in cursive.
Do you use an outline, rough draft or just write? Typically I just write at first, get a feel of my characters and plot. Then, I’ll create a rough outline (always subject to change) with most of the major points.
What do you do while you’re writing (listen to music, TV in the background, etc.)? I always need background noise. Until recently, I’d just have the TV on, but now I listen to music. With Thirsty, I’m all about Poets of the Fall – an awesome band my friend Kittyinaz got me hooked on. With Alight, I’ve gravitated towards Imagine Dragons.
What annoys you the most when you are trying to write? When people read over my shoulder – drives me bonkers and I can get downright nasty about it.
If you have finished a fic, what was your feeling on it? I have one finished fic (Carpe Diem, a Harry Potter story with Tom Riddle/Hermione Granger pairing) and truly, it brought me to tears when I hit complete. Happy tears, of course! It was such a labor of love and I had to take a long hiatus, so I was scared coming back to it, but it was like slipping on a warm coat. It fit perfectly.
What are your favorite fandoms to write? I’ve written Harry Potter, Twilight, Vampire Diaries and Avengers… I’d have to say my favorites are Vampire Diaries and Avengers. I love Damon (who doesn’t?) and have a deep rooted love for comic books too.
Who are your favorite characters to write Hands down – Damon. I swear, he talks to me and has become my muse for stories he’s not even featured in. Loki is a close second because he’s so complex… he’s a bit darker though. 
Why? I’ve never had a character that spoke to me as easily (and loudly!) as Damon does. He literally lives in my head and plants plot seeds. Some of my best scenes weren’t planned and just came to me in his voice.
Who are your least favorite characters to write? Maybe Bella, though I don’t really mind her too much.
Why? I try to stay as in character as possible in my crossovers, and unfortunately, that means Bella starts off weak-willed and needy. She tends to grow up in my fics, which is both fun and a joy to write, but I do tend to want to smack her at first, lol.
What is your favorite scene or story you have written and why? This should be down with the hard questions – you’re asking me to pick my favorite child! If I had to choose… ugh! I love Thirsty for Your Love because it’s rekindled my fanfiction writing, but Set My Soul Alight is so unique and there’s not a lot out there like it so it makes me feel very proud for taking the risk in writing it. There – that’s the best answer you’re gonna get!
What is the most difficult story or scene you have written, and why? Hands down, my first lemon in Thirsty. There’s the obvious in that it was my first one, but I also really wanted to find a balance of the physical and the emotional without being too heavy or cheesy on one side or the other.
Do you see any characteristics in the characters you write? Yes.
Which ones and whom? I’ve always been quick witted and easy to fire a comeback. I’d say I’m like Damon in that sense. Sarcastic, but often using it to cover some real, deep emotion.
What do you like most about your preferred fandom? I love writing about the supernatural world – vampires, witches, superheroes… the skies the limit and I love that I don’t have an imaginary line I can’t cross as far as believability goes. I always strive for realism even in the fictional world, but I love being able to create the impossible.
How would you describe your fics? ‘How Bella Got Her Groove Back’ – lol. So far, I tend to have Bella at her lowest, struggling to find herself. I suppose they’re coming of age stories, but also romance. I’m a romantic at heart.
What story would you recommend of your own for a new fan to start first? Probably Thirsty for Your Love if only because it’s about 7 chapters away from being complete so you won’t be left hanging, lol. I finish all my stories, but as a reader myself, I completely understand the feeling that comes with hitting the next button and nothing happens.
Now that we’ve broken you in: The Nitty Gritty
If you could offer a suggestion to someone who is thinking of publishing their first story, what would it be? Just do it. Ignore all the voices in your head telling you all the negative possibilities and do it. I’ve always found that oneself is the largest obstacle to overcome in any creative endeavor, so just ignore your inner critic, buck up and get to it. You can do it!
If you could go back in time, and give yourself one word of advice, what would you say? (No Lottery numbers or anything like that!!!) If we’re talking advice in the writing world, I’d say exactly what I wrote for the previous question. As far as life in general, I’d remind myself of a song lyric from Avenue Q, “except for death and paying taxes, everything in life is only for now.” Don’t sweat the small stuff because in the long run, they won’t even be a blip on the radar. 
Tell us what you read!
  1. I read ALL of Dr Harleen Frances Quinzel‘s crossovers on There’s not a lot of Twilight/Comic Book crossovers and she writes so many of them. If I had to pick one to read first, I’d recommend her Wolverine one… or Deadpool if you like dark humor.
  2. I love the way Cuinawen writes and because I’ll be reviewing her later I won’t go into too much detail now… I’d recommend all of her Twilight/Originals crossovers (Bella/Kol pairing) on her wordpress:
  3. Kittyinaz is an amazing author who writes several different crossovers. I love it because you never know what she’ll think of next!
  4. An up and coming author I’ve been reading lately is Mommy4Thomas. So far she writes Bella/Damon exclusively and she almost loves Damon as much as I do!
  5. I’m really enjoying a True Blood/X-Men crossover called Skin Deep by xsphinxslady. She’s got others I’m anxiously awaiting updates on too!

Let’s Get Metaphysical: Character Interview


Name of Character: Loki Odinson (or Laufeyson if he’s pissed at Odin, haha)
Story he is in: Set My Soul Alight
Is (s)he an original Character or a series known? Well known from comics and from Thor and Avengers movies
Are they in character or Out of Character? I try to keep him as in-character as possible, but like any crossover story, some out of character traits are impossible to avoid.
Nickname(s): Not anything polite since most don’t like him 😉
Date of Birth: Unknown, though the humans call them gods and believe them to be immortal, Odin quite clearly expresses that they can die even with their excessively long lifespans. If we go by mythology alone, Loki must at least pre-date the Vikings.
Occupation: God of Mischief and all around bad guy
Stats (Aka Height, hair color, eye color, and so on): For me, Tom Hiddleston embodies Loki. He’s 6’2”, black hair (at least while in character) and blue eyes. He’s so pretty you can’t help but to love him even when he’s doing bad things!
Significant other(s): None, though in my story he and Bella will be the main pairing
Best Friend(s): Used to be Thor, now he only counts on himself
Enemies(s): Thor, Odin, the Warriors Three, the Avengers… pretty much everyone until he meets Bella
Any noticeable Scars, Tattoos, or other markings: No, nothing. Loki doesn’t believe in marking his already perfect body. Only thing that happens is a slight skin reaction to the cold since he is half Frost Giant.
If they could have a Theme Song, which would it be? Imagine Dragons, Radioactive – it’s actually what I listen to when I write his POV.
What is their favorite Movie? A Clockwork Orange, because it hints at the superiority and class of the ‘bad guy’ and also implies a victory of sorts for him in the end.
What is something that the fans don’t know about your character? He wears several masks… some are obvious, but they all protect a very tender and needy heart.
That’s it for me – it’s a pleasure meeting you all and I look forward to introducing you to some really awesome writers and stories in the future!

Twilight Interview: KellanCougar

Okay so I WhiteWolfLegend had decided to do a little different than the other questionnaires. I cut some questions added a few and sent it off to my author! Now, for my first author I wanted to intro a little slash and this Author happens to be one I enjoy reading and making banners for. *chuckles* biased I know, but hey.  So lets give a warm welcome to KellanCougar!

So we are going to start out with some basic information for all of you.

Can you please tell the people reading this your name you go by, can be real or penname?  


Where do you like to post, and can you give us the site of your preferred medium?

I like to post on as a large portion of my fans prefer to read my work there. I also post on The writer’s Coffee Shop and on my personal blog:

What do you like to snack when writing?

Well, I try and keep my fingers busy and not eat, but I’ve usually got a large cup of tea to hand and possibly some chocolate. I just wish typing burned calories, or that I liked snacking on lettuce!

Like the question above but what do you listen to when you write, do you have a playlist for certain stories?

I most certainly do! Each story either begins with a song in my head, or it develops its own ‘sound’. Yep, I know that sounds mad. If I have no song in my head before I start, I have what I call a ‘white noise’ soundtrack – it’s a list of songs I adore from Twilight, from Queer as Folk US, and other numerous albums that make me feel grounded. At least then I have over 30 songs going around in my ears. When I wrote one of my stories, ‘One Drunken Night in Paradise’, I listened to the same album on repeat for weeks on end as nothing else worked. And for ‘The Carnival’, I listened to ‘The Carnival is Over’ every night while I wrote. It’s like the song and the story become one in my head. It was playing in my head whenever I thought about the story.

If you could visit a place, anywhere, where would it be?

I’m not a traveller, at least not so far, but I would love to see Forks (being a huge Twilight fan), Seattle, Chicago and Maine. Basically all the places I set my stories. I’d love to see if I got them right. I think that the USA is the only place that appeals to me, in the same way that London appeals to many of my American friends.

If you could go at any point in time, which would it be?

Wow – never thought about that before. I loved the 1980s and would love to revisit that time, just for the fashion, the hair and the music. But overall though, I’d like to go right now.

Tell us something about yourself that you think your fans would love to know about:

I have had some of my best story ideas when in the throes of a migraine. I have no idea why!

Awesome! That gives us some basic information.  Now, about the writing –   I know you’re excited…

Why did you start writing?

I wrote all the time as a child, but got told when I was a teenager that I needed to get my head out of the clouds and get a real job. It is entirely thanks to Twilight that I dared to write and show it to complete strangers. It was such a relief to see the characters in my head appear live and kicking on the page. I’ve never forgotten how good that first chapter felt.

What do you enjoy the most about it?

I love to tell the life stories my characters whisper to me. Some of them are so chatty it’s like having your best friend in your ear, but some are so reserved that it can be almost painful to get them to share their secrets. I love the richness of the English language and writing enables me to let it flow from my fingers to the paper or the screen.

What do you like least about it?

When they refuse to talk to me, it’s so awful. To me, writer’s block is like watching a silent movie with bad reception. You know they’re there, but you’re stumbling around in the dark without a flashlight trying to find them.

That first time hitting publish, how did you feel?

Terrified and afraid I might pass out! I was sure that no one would read it, absolutely convinced. Then, when they did, I was convinced they would either laugh, or be kind to spare my feelings. I realise now, looking back, that I had no idea how wonderful the fandom was and is. There is so much support out there to help writers improve, and to keep them motivated during the bad times. It’s an amazing family to be a part of.

Where do you get your inspiration?

It’s usually song lyrics that resonate with me and slowly (VERY slowly sometimes) a story starts to percolate. I tend to think about stories when I’m driving too – my mind is open to suggestion when I’m on a long drive. I also love to look at beautiful banners and I keep an eye on banner adoption sites to see what designs trigger a plot bunny. It’s a marriage made in heaven when I get a good idea AND I get to adopt the banner that inspired it. I’ve had some very happy successes this way and I am very grateful to all the incredibly talented banner makers out there that make our stories come to life in pictures.

What is your writing area like do you use computer or paper, or both?  Or another medium?

Away from home I always carry a notebook and pen. The words do seem to flow easier from pen to paper – maybe because my typing becomes atrocious when my fingers are tired. At home I usually write straight to my laptop, but on a lovely day I will head to the beach and write surrounded by scenery that inspires me.

Do you use an outline, rough draft or just write?

I have to say that I just write. I am a bit odd, according to my writer friends, in that I write out of order. Does that count as a kind of outline? I write the scenes that are clearest in my head – often the ending of a chapter or story gets written very early on and then I know where I’m headed and just need to get there. So far, I have never not known the ending to a story when I start writing it. The last line is key.

What do you do while you’re writing (listen to music, TV in the background, etc.)?

If I want to settle down to serious writing then the TV has to go off. I am very easily distracted. Music is essential and a CD or playlist will provide the backdrop I need. In rare cases, I need absolute silence and so I write in the middle of the night with no noise at all.

What annoys you the most when you are trying to write?

Procrastination! If the words won’t come, the worst thing I can do is go take a break, sit down somewhere comfy and watch TV. I’ll be asleep in seconds and the opportunity is lost for another night. The best thing I can do is sit and stare at that screen and try to visualise something useful happening. Mind you, I’ve spent many all-nighters sitting here with nothing to show for it in the morning except a half dozen words. The other side of the coin is when I just get into my writing flow and I’m absolutely flying, only to have to either go back to work because my lunch break’s over, or head off to bed. My characters are annoying like that – they really pick their moments to get chatty.

If you have finished a fic, what was your feeling on it?

I am a perfectionist. I don’t mean that every comma is necessarily in place (although I try my best to make sure they are), I just mean that the story has to be exactly how I imagined it. If I write something and it doesn’t feel exactly right, or if I can’t get the ending to sit comfortably, then that story does not get posted. I have missed competition deadlines because of this. It has to be the best I can create for that set of characters with a satisfactory ending that answers the readers’ questions and doesn’t feel like they have been left high and dry.

What are your favorite fandoms to write?

At this moment I only write for the Twilight fandom, although I like to read Queer as Folk, Supernatural, and some Harry Potter (Drarry).

Who are your favorite characters to write?

It’s well known that my favourite pairing is Carlisle/Edward. Those guys are perfect together in my mind and no matter what story I write, I feel their chemistry so strongly.  I also have a strong affection for Emmett/Alice. Rosalie is a lot of fun to explore too – she’s feisty!


Ok, bear with me here. If Carlisle had just turned Edward and never met and turned Esme or Rosalie, then Alice and Jasper would never have joined the family, and Emmett would never have been turned. Therefore, in my mind, Carlisle and Edward would have eventually ended up together. I realise that a lot of readers don’t care for the pairing, but that’s the joy of free choice, isn’t it. I adore them.

Alice and Emmett also fit together for me. Maybe it’s because the actors themselves are great friends and look so good together in photo shoots, but again I feel a chemistry between them that I had to explore.

Who are your least favorite characters to write?

Do you know what? I love Jasper yet I find him so difficult to write! I gave him a cameo in ‘Learning to Fly’ to get some practice before giving him a centre stage part in Rescue Me. I was happy with how that fic turned out and he’s getting easier to write now. (NB: Rescue Me can only be found on The Writers Coffee Shop and my blog).

I struggle with the wolf pack too, and I am challenging myself with a one shot to see how I do. Whether or not it sees the light of day is yet to be determined!


Jasper is such a favourite with so many readers and writers, especially Jasper/Edward fans, that I felt some serious pressure to do him justice. I am a trier and I hate to fail.

What is your favorite scene or story you have written and why?

Oh that is a hard one.  I adore my Learning to Fly boys – they stayed with me long after I wrote The End on that final chapter. I felt such a connection to them the whole time I was writing.

Windy Afternoon was a fantastic story to write and it flowed out of my pen so easily it was almost as if it was dictated to me. The outtake chapter was hard to write in terms of content, but it was as if I had to write it because Alice wanted it told. Again it poured out of me in one night unlike any other story I have ever written since.

What is the most difficult story or scene you have written, and why?

The final scene of The Carnival. I wrote a rough draft of the ending first as usual, and then made the adjustments to it when I finished the main fic. Every time I sat down to write that story I cried. It’s no lie to say that I was emotionally drained for a couple of weeks after finishing that one. Judging by the reviews, it had the same effect on my readers. The story has an ending that I couldn’t warn the readers about without ruining it. I lost some readers because of that story, but I stand by it. I’m proud of it.

Do you see any characteristics in the characters you write?

There is a lot of me in my characters – a lot of my little idiosyncrasies.

Which ones and whom?

Argh! Do I have to say? Ok – the reclusive side of Carlisle in All I Want to Hear is most definitely a big part of my character – that need to be alone and not part of the world around me is hard to put down in black and white but it helps me deal with it. I am a soft hearted person, and I see a lot of me in Jasper in Let the Rain Come Down. I understood his need to protect Edward no matter what. In Rescue Me, Emmett kept trying set Jasper free, sure that he would soon tire of him and crave the fame of being with the band rather than feeling obliged to stay with him long term. He truly believed he was doing the right thing for Jasper. Emmett never felt he was good enough for his rock star, and that’s a very familiar trait in me. I never feel I’m good enough.

What do you like most about your preferred fandom?

I adore the Twi fandom – the characters Stephenie created are so perfectly drawn and lend themselves so well to fanfiction (and this is intended as a major compliment). Sadly, the fandom is smaller than it was and people have moved on to newer things as they do, but I have made some wonderful friends from the Twi fandom that I hope to keep for a very long time.

How would you describe your fics?

Unpredictable, angsty love stories. I have it in my profile that I do not guarantee a ‘happy every after’ or a ‘happy for now’ ending on my one-shots. Some are happy, I will say that! But for my longer fics such as No Turning Back, Learning to Fly and All I Want to Hear, a HEA is a guarantee.

What story would you recommend of your own for a new fan to start first?

For the non-slash readers, I would say Windy Afternoon or One Drunken Night in Paradise. For the slash fans, I would start with a one shot like Waiting for the Sound of Thunder or Let the Rain Come Down.

Now the HARD questions:

If you could offer a suggestion to someone who is thinking of publishing their first story, what would it be?

Do it. Find yourself a good, honest pre reader and someone who can check your spelling and grammar. If you have the imagination and drive to write a great tale, don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t. Don’t hide your talent.

If you could go back in time, and give yourself one word of advice, what would you say?  (No Lottery numbers or anything like that!!!)

Believe. I still doubt myself every day and I wish I had more self-belief.

What 5 stories would you recommend someone read?  Please list fandom, sites and name with pairing.

All Slash, all available on

‘Mergers and Acquisitions’ by Touchstone67 – Twilight Jasper/Edward.  I don’t know many slash fans who haven’t read and loved this fic.

‘From Kwapah With Love’ by Prassacut –Twilight Carlisle/Edward oneshot. (You should also check out the incomplete ‘Roads’ – it’s fabulous)

‘Forgive Me Father’ by Avioleta – Twilight Carlisle/Edward oneshot (I seriously recommend this fantastic author’s entire back catalogue)

‘Red Geraniums’ by Pastiche Pen – Twilight Carlisle/Edward oneshot

‘Checkmate’ by Naadi – Harry Potter Draco/Harry

Thanks KellanCougar for being amazing and answering our questions!!



TVD Interview: cloemarrie

Hello! Thanks for allowing me to interview you!!! I really appreciate it, and I’m loving the chance to have other fandoms find our spot.

Thankfully, we have been invited into the non-cannon awards. This gives us the chance to have our favorite couple be spotlighted, for NOT being Canon. Funny huh?

So, I have a few questions to ask. Some of these questions are to get to know you, the writer, better. Then I will send over an interview where you pick a character out of one of your stories, and you can interview them. I thought it would be fun and a way for you to feed the fans some information about that character.

If you wish to include a banner for the character, or for yourself, please contact me and I will be happy to help you out.

So we are going to start out with some basic information for all of you.

Can you please tell the people reading this your name? Margaret Williams but everyone in the fandom knows me by Cloe Marrie

Where do you like to post, and can you give us the site of your preferred medium? I post on ffn, fp, and now TWCS I prefer ffn because its much easier and it’s a site I’m used to…but I may change that..not sure yet

What do you prefer, Tea or Coffee? Coffee!!!

What is your favorite beverage of choice? And if alcoholic and mixed, what are the ingredients? Coffee in the morning, tea or water in the afternoon

What is your funny story about trying something to drink and it rocked your boat and/or sucked? The first time I tried hard liquor was when I was I think 18…I know underage….but back then they weren’t that strict…anyway my brother said he could out drink me so we kept taking shots of vodka, Jack Daniels, and rum. I out drank him but I was so messed up that I thought my brother was screwing a tree lol

What foods do you love? Comfort foods and seafood, i love chinese and mexican food but i’m trying to stay away from fattening foods lol

What is your go to food for comfort? Breakfast burritos…makes me feel closer to my dad who passed away.

What do you like to snack when writing? Veggie chips or peanuts or any healthy snack

Is there a scent that says home to you? Woodsy scents

Is there a scent you wish you never smelled ever? Manure

If you could visit a place, anywhere, where would it be? Niland, CA

If you could go at any point in time, which would it be? I would like to go back to 2000….before 911 happened and before i’d gotten married. Plus back then i had a chance to be with someone I really wanted to be with but I blew it

What music do you like? Before writing I would say country and oldies but now that I became serious with my writing my music is all over the place

Is there a genre or song you hate? Rap I HATE that crap

Tell us something about yourself that you think your fans would love to know about: Writing has always been my passion. I wrote my first song when I was 9 years old. Back then I wanted to be a singer/songwriter. When I was 13 I received my first guitar and had a chance to go to Nashville to become a singer but my dad got sick and I wanted to be with him. I also wrote my first story/fanfiction when I was 13, gave it to my teacher, and when graduation came    I received a gold medal literature award for the story. I wrote my second book when I was married at the age of 23 (got married when i was 21) I became truly serious about writing four years ago (2010)

Thanks. That gives us some basic information. Now, about the writing – I know you’re excited…

Why did you start writing? I began writing as a child because I enjoyed it but now I write because it usually relieved the stress I feel.

What do you enjoy the most about it? I enjoy the way the characters speak through me

What do you like least about it? what’s not to like about it…writing is fantastic!

That first time hitting publish, how did you feel? it felt good 🙂

Where do you get your inspiration? I get it through everyday things…movies I watch, my passed, music, having feelings for someone and not being able to tell him…just things that happen every day lol

What is your writing area like do you use computer or paper, or both? Or another medium? I use both

Do you use an outline, rough draft or just write? most of the time I just write…I’ve tried using outlines and rough drafts but they never work for me

What do you do while you’re writing (listen to music, TV in the background, etc.)? I listen to music through headphones because if I don’t I’ll get too distracted

What annoys you the most when you are trying to write? When my family tries talking to me or they have the tv too loud and I can’t concentrate and when my phone goes off

If you have finished a fic, what was your feeling on it? i feel sad but great at the sametime

What are your favorite fandoms to write? Well atm it’s Twi but I’m trying other fandoms including VD

Who are your favorite characters to write? Non-Canon

Why? I just hate canon pairings

Who are your least favorite characters to write? From Twilight it’d have to be Edward and Bella from VD it’d have to be Klaus from TB it’d be Bill

Why? I just can’t stand them. Edward is too controlling and Bella is annoying…Klaus is too evil and Bill is vindictive

What is your favorite scene or story you have written and why? This is a bit tough…it’s out of two stories:

Regret (not posted yet) it was written for a fundraiser. It’s a VD story…Delena
Lost Freedom was written for Fage 6 it’s Bella (i know i said I couldn’t stand her but if you read it you’d understand why i wrote it) just a warning it has cheating in it

What is the most difficult story or scene you have written, and why? The most difficult scene would have to be in “Emmett Swan, Mr. McCarty” where Mr. McCarty (Emmett’s second personality) rapes and kills some women

Do you see any characteristics in the characters you write? Not really…I write them a different way every time

What do you like most about your preferred fandom? I prefer VD…I just like how much free reign I can have with them 🙂

How would you describe your fics? dark and depressing for the most part

What story would you recommend of your own for a new fan to start first? It’s out of two differnt stories: Lost Freedom or First Bite O’Hallows Night

Now the HARD questions:

If you could offer a suggestion to someone who is thinking of publishing their first story, what would it be? Do it! If you have a chance go for it! Don’t hesitate…it’s the best gift you could give yourself!

If you could go back in time, and give yourself one word of advice, what would you say? (No Lottery numbers or anything like that!!!) If I could go back in time to give myself advice it’d be…don’t let others put you down! Go for your dreams and NEVER GIVE UP!!!

What 5 stories would you recommend someone read? Please list fandom, sites and name with pairing.

These are all on, FictionPad, and The Writers Coffee Shop:

TVD: First Bite O’Hallows Night
Twi: Lost Freedom
Twi: Unexpected Twist
All fandoms (this is just a collection of fandom related things): Poetry
Twi: Emmett Swan, Mr. McCarty

Is there something you wished I asked, and if so, what as well as the answer? Nope

Thanks!! I will be turning this in. Please see the next page for the Questionnaire for the Character!

Name of Character: Isabella Cullen

Story she is in: Lost Freedom

Is she an original Character or a series known? Bella is from Twilight…at least her name is!

Are they in character or Out of Character? she’s an OC (out of character) she isn’t the weak person she was in Twilight

Nickname: Bella

Date of Birth: As it appears in Twilight

Occupation: Mother

Stats (Aka Height, hair color, eye color, and so on): 5’7, black hair, brown eyes

Significant other: Edward

Best Friends: Rosalie (also her sis in law), Angela, Alice, Jasper, Jacob

Enemies: Jessica and Lauren

Any noticeable Scars, Tattoos, or other markings: no

If they could have a Theme Song, which would it be? Papa Loved Mama by Garth Brooks

What is their favorite Movie? Doesn’t have one

What is something that the fans don’t know about your character? She contemplated suicide every day during her imprisonment

Tb/SVM Review: In The End

Ok.  I am not one to start off these interviews and/or reviews without subjecting myself to it.  Now, I admit, it is a little hard to review your own stories, so I got MissRissa81 to do it for me.

I will be out of town until Tuesday/Wednesday so don’t expect any updates during that time.  I have already gotten some interviews back, so I will be working on those, and for getting more of the ladies in these wonderful fandoms interviewed for you to read about them.
Here is the review for you!

in-the-end Banner

Name of Story: In The End

Fandom: True Blood

Author: Kittyinaz (Review by missrissa81)


Rating (If Applicable): M

Pairing: Godric/Eric/Sookie

Description (Authors): One night a pull to their very souls, calls out Eric and Godric to their future.  And that one moment, that one action, sets forth a change to the entire world. E/S/G.


In the End is one of my all-time fave fics!! It’s the story that led me to Kittyinaz, and boy am I glad it did!! This particular pairing of Eric/Sookie/Godric is spot on, I love that each of them is equally important and truly needed. I absolutely adore the dynamic between the three, the plots and banter, the mischievous Niall and his BFF Hades, and knowing that while the three stand strong and united they truly are unbeatable!!!

The villains are entertaining and devious!! I love seeing Bill attempt to woo and get to her, only to be at least three steps behind the entire time!! I’m a huge fan of the entire cast of characters, both canon and OC, and can’t speak highly enough of the fact that the characters change and evolve in a completely believable way…well believable for vampires LOL!! This is a story that I always drop what I’m doing and skip off to read the moment the update is posted!!! Love, love, love, it, more please!!!!


In The End is written by me, and it is due to be finished by the end of the year (Next writing period actually). This story led me into the fantastic fandom of True Blood and I never regretted it. Thanks for reading this review, and feel free to drop me a note and let me know what you think.  Our email is   Please put attention Kittyinaz.  Have a great week and weekend!  I will catch you on the flip side.


TB/SVM Interview: Kittyinaz

Yes.  I picked myself as the first one to torture to ask to complete the questionnaire.  I thought it would only be fair, and give my authors a chance to look over the form before they get it.

For my interviews, I have also included a character of their choice questionnaire.  I thought this may give you a chance to have some inside information on a character of their choice.  I had a quandary. See I do these on my site every other month for my characters.  So I wanted something you could only get from this one, and I looked.  I hope you enjoy reading this.

I will try to do reviews on the stories pertaining to the interviewee.  But this time, I think I will have someone else review my stories, to give a better perspective.  Not really good at reviewing my own things.  LOL!

So without further ado, here is my interview:

Basic information.

Facebook Cover 1_edited-1

Can you please tell the people reading this your name? Kittyinaz

Where do you like to post, and can you give us the site of your preferred medium? I post in AO3,, Fictionpad, TWCS. My preferred is my Website:

What do you prefer, Tea or Coffee? Tea. Love tea…

What is your favorite beverage of choice? And if alcoholic and mixed, what are the ingredients? Actually for me it is SodaStream. It’s a huge joke in my beta group and so on, cause I have spit up my soda’s through my nose at the antics my betas and my group get into.

What is your funny story about trying something to drink and it rocked your boat and/or sucked? Hmmm. I think it has to be when my dad decided that I needed to know how to know my tolerance levels with alcohol. Supposedly, I was a generation that couldn’t handle mine. What he forgot to take in was the fact I am only half Larrick. The other half? Well let’s just say I poured him into bed, cleaned up all the disgusting vodka (which I hate to this day) and went to bed. I still laugh on it.

What foods do you love? Italian. Then Fajitas or Tacos. But definitely Italian.

What is your go to food for comfort? Mac and Cheese. Homemade of course… Then Chicken and Dumplings and HOT banana pudding.

What do you like to snack when writing? Cheese, crackers, pepperoni, apples, anything that is snackable.

Is there a scent that says home to you? Clean linen aka bleach. I associate it with clean and it makes me feel like everything is comfy level. No idea why.

Is there a scent you wish you never smelled ever? New one!! Watermelon fermented. Gross!! Before that was skunk.

If you could visit a place, anywhere, where would it be? Anywhere huh. I’m going to go outside the world, and say I would love to visit Avalon.

If you could go at any point in time, which would it be? I would love to go back to Atlantis. I would like to know what it really is.

What music do you like? All. There is nothing I won’t not listen to.

Is there a genre or song you hate? Hmm. Not really. There is angry music, but there is a time for it. I usually just have to wait until my mood is right, and I find new songs all the time this way. Something I skipped past yesterday would be perfect for today.

Tell us something about yourself that you think your fans would love to know about: Hmmm. They know I blend my own teas, they know I am a huge music fan. I was an avid book reader, and in fact turned to Fanfiction because I broke my leg and had nothing to read. Sadly most of my favorites have retired, died or are no longer writing.

Thanks. That gives us some basic information. Now, about the writing –   I know you’re excited…

Why did you start writing? I was watching Alice, 2009 for the umpteenth time.   I had forayed into writing once, and I didn’t do so well. But I was working on something, finishing it while the movie was playing and the song What If by Safety Suit came on. And I wondered, what if during all those times they cut away from our main characters, things were happening to make them closer? I started writing, and the rest they say is history.

What do you enjoy the most about it? The possibilities. The chance that all those stories I tell myself to fall asleep I can come back and visit over and over. I would often change someone in my stories, and explore all the what ifs.   Hey, my brain never turns off, this allowed me to go to sleep. Maybe 2-3 hours later.

What do you like least about it? The editing for me. I write rough drafts, and then go back to edit them and add all the stuff that makes them turn from stiff cardboard cut outs to actually being living moving people. I love writing, getting the idea on paper, but editing I feel cuts into that. But for me to try to write another way doesn’t work.

That first time hitting publish, how did you feel? Sooo nervous. But… I told myself, did it matter if I get a review? Nope. I had to decide what I am working for, and it was to get these stories out on paper so I can visit the dreams and the stories themselves. Imagine my surprise that people actually like to read it!

Where do you get your inspiration? Everywhere. A song will prompt a story. Or a dream, or me thinking, what if. Lately I blame Meridian since she seems to whisper to my muses. A LOT. It is a busy place in my brain. Ask my betas. But yes, the world or even my imagination is very rich, there is inspiration everywhere.

What is your writing area like do you use computer or paper, or both? Or another medium? Computer. I can’t write as fast as I can type. When I am writing, it literally is like part of my brain turns off. Or is sidetracked. The words come pouring out to show you guys the movie playing in my head.

Do you use an outline, rough draft or just write? Rough draft. Then I go back to add all the stuff I didn’t type in to make them living. I tried many times to outline, but it never happens. I have given up. I have a whiteboard I write ideas on, and strive to hit them all.

What do you do while you’re writing (listen to music, TV in the background, etc.)? Music. Even now, I am listening to my iTunes playing. Walking on the Sun by Smash Mouth is playing. When my iTunes was not working was a major issue.

What annoys you the most when you are trying to write? Of all things, my pets. I love them all dearly, and any other time, I pet them, play with them, love on them. But when I am in the mode, it never fails that Connor wants to go out, and for some reason I am the only one in the house he tells this too. Or Morgan comes and lies down on my arm, or sits in front of the screen I am typing in. Tucker walks back and forth or something. Right now, Connor was lying by me, cause when I lean back and check what I have written, I pet him. They are not abandoned or anything, it just seems they pick the perfect time to come mess with me.

If you have finished a fic, what was your feeling on it? Sad but thrilled. Sad, because I have to leave this story. You pour your time and love into these characters, this story, and now you are done. But at the same time, my OCD relaxes, and I am thrilled to have that Completed next to the story.

What are your favorite fandoms to write? True Blood, Twilight, Alice 2009, Tin Man. But lately, Crossovers are a huge thing with me. I love to pair Bella with different characters and I like to see what she would have been like.

Who are your favorite characters to write? Bella and the male characters.

Why? I have no idea why, but I struggle with the female leads who are not Bella. I think because I connect with her, but yet I want to slap her silly. So I make her more like I would be. Males are sooo easy for me to write.

Who are your least favorite characters to write? Females but Bella

Why? Again, no clue.

What is your favorite scene or story you have written and why? Favorite story? Has to be Tin Man. Why? It is a blending of so much but I grew up with Wizard of Oz playing all the time. Then to see this remake of it, just made the whole idea take off. I am working to finish the none epic stories right now, to allow myself time to work on those like Tin Man.

What is the most difficult story or scene you have written, and why? What If. When I started it, I was in a bad place. I had so much going on in my life that was wrong, I just couldn’t be happy. So I started to write it. Now, trying to go back to it, I have issues. I don’t like Alice. Not since I wrote ED and realized some things.

Do you see any characteristics in the characters you write? Yes.

Which ones and whom? I research a lot. Hmm. Bella from Free Will is Everything trilogy anyone? The other Bella’s reflect me also. And I am a closet romantic, so my characters are also. Alice in Tea Shope (Or Bella in twilighted Tea Shoppe) is me. Well a lot. I didn’t have her bad experiences, but her family memories are based on mine.

What do you like most about your preferred fandom? The fans and writers. Alice was forgiving, and they helped. But this fandom supports each other so much. Stories are reblogged, and we all acknowledge we lead the readers to each other. I have a Rec pages, and Blogs I love. The stories I rec are heavily hit up each day.

How would you describe your fics? Romantic stories. I am a sucker for romance, and I don’t do the whole build up well I think. But once they are together, I show why the whole love thing works for them, while still working on the plot.

What story would you recommend of your own for a new fan to start first? Hmmm. I have no idea. Really! I know In The End is a favorite, and I will be working on finishing it next period of time. I have 21 stories all WIP, and no idea how many finished, one shots and so on I have. All my stories are on my WordPress as they were meant to be. Click and I do descriptions and have fun. If you join my group, Charissa will give you suggestions.

Now the HARD questions:

If you could offer a suggestion to someone who is thinking of publishing their first story, what would it be? Just do it. Don’t ask yourself the bad things, What if I don’t get any reviews, what if people laugh at me, what if no one reads it. Those are excuses. Decide that you are going to write it to share, and do it. Look at the stats on a story, they give more indications of the story than reviews.

If you could go back in time, and give yourself one word of advice, what would you say? (No Lottery numbers or anything like that!!!) Write.   I always wanted to, but I lacked the courage to.

What 5 stories would you recommend someone read? Please list fandom, sites and name with pairing.

Bored to Death – EricIzMine Eric/Sookie

The “Un” Series – California Kat Eric/Sookie

Pretty Kitty – ficlic78 Eric/Sookie

Dying Series – Mavrosal Eric/Sookie/Godric

Anticipating – Meridian Godric/OC (Cara)

Is there something you wished I asked, and if so, what as well as the answer. Umm. No.

Thanks!! I will be turning this in. Please see the next page for the Questionnaire for the Character!


Name of Character: Hades

Story he is in: In The End

Is (s)he an original Character or a series known? An Original Character

Are they in character or Out of Character? n/a

Nickname(s): Lord of the Underworld, God of the Dead, God of Earth Father.

Date of Birth: When the gods were born?!?!?!

Occupation: God, Father.

Stats (Aka Height, hair color, eye color, and so on): 6’1”, Dark Brown, Brown Eyes. Warrior aka runner body type.

Significant other(s): N/A

Best Friend(s): Niall

Enemies(s): Unknown, anyone against his children.

Any noticeable Scars, Tattoos, or other markings: Nope.

If they could have a Theme Song, which would it be? The Unforgiven by Metallica

What is their favorite Movie? Riddick. Love the themes in it.

 What is something that the fans don’t know about your character? He is caring, fatherly person, who has so much pain in his life because of wish to have a child. He doesn’t regret any of it, taking joy in his son, and the mates of his son. He considers them all his children, and nothing will ever make him give them up. He will battle the universe itself to keep them all safe.

 Thanks for reading the interview.  I will see who I can get to review my stories, and I will see you next week!
